Access matrix in Operating System

Access Matrix is a security model of protection state in computer system. It is represented as a matrix. Access matrix is used to define the rights of each process executing in the domain with respect to each object. The rows of matrix represent domains and columns represent objects. Each cell of matrix represents set of access rights which are given to the processes of domain means each entry(i, j) defines the set of operations that a process executing in domain Di can invoke on object Oj.

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Move cmd command

The move is an internal command found in the Windows Command Interpreter (cmd) that is used to move files and folders/directories. The command is robust than a regular move operation, as it allows for pattern matching via the inclusion of Wildcards in the source path.

The command is a very generic one and is available (in one form or the other) in almost every single operating system out there (under different aliases).

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How To Hash Passwords In Python A

A strong password provides safety. Plain text passwords are extremely insecure, so we need to strengthen the passwords by hashing the password. Hashing passwords is a cheap and secure method that keeps the passwords safe from malicious activity. Password hashing generates a unique password for every text, even if the plaintext password is the same.

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