Cum salvezi o arhivă locală în Outlook

  1. Deschide Outlook:
    • Deschide aplicația Outlook pe computerul tău.
  2. Accesează opțiunile de import/export:
    • Mergi la fila “File” (Fișier) din colțul stânga sus.
    • Selectează “Open & Export” (Deschidere și exportare).
    • Alege “Import/Export” (Import/Export).
  3. Alege acțiunea de export:
    • În fereastra care apare, selectează “Export to a file” (Exportați într-un fișier) și apasă “Next” (Următorul).
  4. Selectează formatul fișierului:
    • Alege “Outlook Data File (.pst)” și apasă “Next” (Următorul).
  5. Alege contul sau dosarul de exportat:
    • Selectează contul de e-mail sau dosarul specific pe care dorești să-l exporți (de exemplu, Inbox, Sent Items etc.). Pentru a exporta toate dosarele, selectează contul de e-mail principal.
    • Asigură-te că opțiunea “Include subfolders” (Include subdosare) este bifată pentru a include toate subdosarele și apasă “Next” (Următorul).
  6. Alege locația de salvare și denumirea fișierului:
    • Apasă pe “Browse” (Răsfoire) pentru a alege locația de pe computerul tău unde dorești să salvezi fișierul PST.
    • Introdu un nume pentru fișier și apasă “OK”.
  7. Finalizare export:
    • Alege ce dorești să faci în caz de duplicare a articolelor (de obicei, opțiunea implicită este suficientă) și apasă “Finish” (Finalizare).
    • Dacă dorești, poți seta o parolă pentru fișierul PST, dar acest pas este opțional. Dacă nu dorești să setezi o parolă, lasă câmpurile goale și apasă “OK”.

După ce ai finalizat pașii de mai sus, fișierul PST va fi salvat în locația specificată de tine. Poți copia acest fișier pe un dispozitiv de stocare extern, cum ar fi un hard disk extern sau un stick USB, pentru a-l păstra în siguranță.

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Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL): A comprehensive guide for Oracle Linux

WSL 1: Compatibility Layer

WSL 1 provides a compatibility layer that enables running Linux binary executables natively on Windows by translating Linux system calls into Windows system calls.

Advantages of WSL 1:

  • Ease of setup and use.
  • Low resource consumption compared to traditional virtual machines.
  • Native file system integration with Windows, allowing quick access to files and directories.

WSL 2: Real Linux Kernel

WSL 2 is an upgrade over WSL 1, utilizing a real Linux kernel running in a lightweight virtual machine. This results in enhanced performance and full system call compatibility.

Advantages of WSL 2:

  • Improved performance due to the real Linux kernel.
  • Full system call compatibility, enabling more complex applications and services.
  • Regular kernel updates, ensuring up-to-date features and security patches.

Installation Steps for Oracle Linux on WSL

Here is a step-by-step guide to installing Oracle Linux on your Windows machine using WSL:

  1. Enable the WSL feature via PowerShell: Open PowerShell as an administrator and enter the following command to install WSL and set WSL 2 as the default version:wsl –install

    This command enables the necessary optional components, downloads the latest Linux kernel, sets WSL 2 as the default, and installs a default Linux distribution (usually Ubuntu).

  2. Install Oracle Linux from the Microsoft Store: Since you prefer Oracle Linux, you need to manually install it from the Microsoft Store:
    • Open the Microsoft Store.
    • Search for Oracle Linux.
    • Click Install to download and install the distribution.
  3. Launch Oracle Linux and complete the initial setup: After installation, launch Oracle Linux from the Start menu. The first time you open it, you’ll be prompted to complete the initial setup, which includes creating a new user account and setting a password.

Getting Started with Oracle Linux on WSL

Once Oracle Linux is installed and set up, you can start using Linux commands and tools directly from your Windows environment. Here are a few basic commands to get you started:

  • Update package lists: sudo yum update
  • Upgrade all installed packages: sudo yum upgrade
  • Install a new package (e.g., Git): sudo yum install git
  • Navigate the file system: ls cd /mnt/c/Users/YourUsername/Documents
  • Edit files using a text editor (e.g., Nano): nano hello-world.txt

Switching Between WSL 1 and WSL 2

If you need to switch between WSL 1 and WSL 2, you can do so using the following commands:

  • Set WSL 2 as the default version: wsl –set-default-version 2
  • Convert an existing distribution to WSL 2: wsl –set-version oracle-linux 2
  • Convert an existing distribution to WSL 1: wsl –set-version oracle-linux 1
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Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL): A comprehensive guide for Kali Linux

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is a powerful feature introduced by Microsoft that allows you to run Linux applications directly on Windows. This is particularly useful for developers, security professionals, and IT administrators who need the capabilities of both operating systems. WSL comes in two main versions: WSL 1 and WSL 2, each with its own advantages.

WSL 1: Compatibility Layer

WSL 1 provides a compatibility layer that enables running Linux binary executables natively on Windows by translating Linux system calls into Windows system calls.

Advantages of WSL 1:

  • Ease of setup and use.
  • Low resource consumption compared to traditional virtual machines.
  • Native file system integration with Windows, allowing quick access to files and directories.

WSL 2: Real Linux Kernel

WSL 2 is an upgrade over WSL 1, utilizing a real Linux kernel running in a lightweight virtual machine. This results in enhanced performance and full system call compatibility.

Advantages of WSL 2:

  • Improved performance due to the real Linux kernel.
  • Full system call compatibility, enabling more complex applications and services.
  • Regular kernel updates, ensuring up-to-date features and security patches.

Installation Steps for Kali Linux on WSL

Here is a step-by-step guide to installing Kali Linux on your Windows machine using WSL:

  1. Enable the WSL feature via PowerShell: Open PowerShell as an administrator and enter the following command to install WSL and set WSL 2 as the default version:wsl –install

    This command enables the necessary optional components, downloads the latest Linux kernel, sets WSL 2 as the default, and installs a default Linux distribution (usually Ubuntu).

  2. Install Kali Linux from the Microsoft Store: Since you prefer Kali Linux, you need to manually install it from the Microsoft Store:
    • Open the Microsoft Store.
    • Search for Kali Linux.
    • Click Install to download and install the distribution.
  3. Launch Kali Linux and complete the initial setup: After installation, launch Kali Linux from the Start menu. The first time you open it, you’ll be prompted to complete the initial setup, which includes creating a new user account and setting a password.

Getting Started with Kali Linux on WSL

Once Kali Linux is installed and set up, you can start using Linux commands and tools directly from your Windows environment. Here are a few basic commands to get you started:

  • Update package lists: sudo apt update
  • Upgrade all installed packages: sudo apt upgrade
  • Install a new package (e.g., Git): sudo apt install git
  • Navigate the file system: ls cd /mnt/c/Users/YourUsername/Documents
  • Edit files using a text editor (e.g., Nano): nano hello-world.txt

Switching Between WSL 1 and WSL 2

If you need to switch between WSL 1 and WSL 2, you can do so using the following commands:

  • Set WSL 2 as the default version: wsl –set-default-version 2
  • Convert an existing distribution to WSL 2: wsl –set-version kali-linux 2
  • Convert an existing distribution to WSL 1: wsl –set-version kali-linux 1
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Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL): A comprehensive guide for Debian

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is a powerful feature introduced by Microsoft that allows you to run Linux applications directly on Windows. This is particularly useful for developers and IT professionals who need the capabilities of both operating systems. WSL comes in two main versions: WSL 1 and WSL 2, each with its own advantages.

WSL 1: Compatibility Layer

WSL 1 provides a compatibility layer that enables running Linux binary executables natively on Windows by translating Linux system calls into Windows system calls.

Advantages of WSL 1:

  • Ease of setup and use.
  • Low resource consumption compared to traditional virtual machines.
  • Native file system integration with Windows, allowing quick access to files and directories.

WSL 2: Real Linux Kernel

WSL 2 is an upgrade over WSL 1, utilizing a real Linux kernel running in a lightweight virtual machine. This results in enhanced performance and full system call compatibility.

Advantages of WSL 2:

  • Improved performance due to the real Linux kernel.
  • Full system call compatibility, enabling more complex applications and services.
  • Regular kernel updates, ensuring up-to-date features and security patches.

Installation Steps for Debian on WSL

Here is a step-by-step guide to installing Debian on your Windows machine using WSL:

  1. Enable the WSL feature via PowerShell: Open PowerShell as an administrator and enter the following command to install WSL and set WSL 2 as the default version:wsl –install

    This command enables the necessary optional components, downloads the latest Linux kernel, sets WSL 2 as the default, and installs a default Linux distribution (usually Ubuntu).

  2. Install Debian from the Microsoft Store: Since you prefer Debian, you need to manually install it from the Microsoft Store:
    • Open the Microsoft Store.
    • Search for Debian.
    • Click Install to download and install the distribution.
  3. Launch Debian and complete the initial setup: After installation, launch Debian from the Start menu. The first time you open it, you’ll be prompted to complete the initial setup, which includes creating a new user account and setting a password.

Getting Started with Debian on WSL

Once Debian is installed and set up, you can start using Linux commands and tools directly from your Windows environment. Here are a few basic commands to get you started:

  • Update package lists: sudo apt update
  • Upgrade all installed packages: sudo apt upgrade
  • Install a new package (e.g., Git): sudo apt install git
  • Navigate the file system: ls cd /mnt/c/Users/YourUsername/Documents
  • Edit files using a text editor (e.g., Nano): nano hello-world.txt

Switching Between WSL 1 and WSL 2

If you need to switch between WSL 1 and WSL 2, you can do so using the following commands:

  • Set WSL 2 as the default version: wsl –set-default-version 2
  • Convert an existing distribution to WSL 2: wsl –set-version debian 2
  • Convert an existing distribution to WSL 1: wsl –set-version debian 1
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Dezactivare Copilot: utilizand Editorul de Registru (pentru toate edițiile)

  • Deschide Editorul de Registru:
    • Apasă pe butonul Start și tastează regedit, apoi apasă Enter.
  • Navighează la cheia specifică:
    • În Editorul de Registru, navighează la următoarea cale: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsCopilot.
  • Creează sau modifică valoarea DWORD:
    • Dacă nu există, creează un nou DWORD (32-bit) Value numit TurnOffWindowsCopilot.
    • Fă dublu click pe TurnOffWindowsCopilot și setează valoarea la 1.
  • Repornește computerul:
    • Repornește computerul pentru ca modificările să aibă efect.
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Dezactivare Copilot:utilizand Editorul de Politici de Grup (pentru edițiile Pro și Enterprise)

  • Deschide Editorul de Politici de Grup:
    • Apasă pe butonul Start și tastează gpedit.msc, apoi apasă Enter.
  • Navighează la setările Copilot:
    • În Editorul de Politici de Grup, navighează la următoarea cale: Configurare utilizator > Șabloane administrative > Componente Windows > Copilot Windows.
  • Configurează setarea pentru dezactivare:
    • Găsește politica numită Allow Copilot și fă dublu click pe ea.
    • Selectează Dezactivat, apoi apasă Aplică și OK.
  • Repornește computerul:
    • Pentru a te asigura că modificările au efect, repornește computerul.
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Dezactivare Copilot în Windows 11:utilizarea setărilor din Windows 11

  • Deschide Setările Windows:
    • Apasă pe butonul Start și selectează Setări (sau folosește combinația de taste Win + I).
  • Navighează la secțiunea Personalizare:
    • În meniul din partea stângă, alege Personalizare.
  • Selectează Bara de activități:
    • În sub-meniul Personalizare, alege Bara de activități.
  • Dezactivează Copilot:
    • În secțiunea Bara de activități, caută opțiunea Copilot pentru Windows.
    • Dezactivează comutatorul pentru Copilot pentru Windows.
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Creare fisier shared in retea |OS:LINUX

Deschide un terminal. Actualizează lista de pachete și instalează Samba:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install samba

Configurarea Samba

  1. Creează un director pentru partajare:
  • sudo mkdir -p /srv/samba/share
  • Setează permisiunile pentru directorul partajat:
  • sudo chown nobody:nogroup /srv/samba/share
    sudo chmod 2775 /srv/samba/share
  • Editează fișierul de configurare Samba:
  • sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
  • Adaugă următoarele la sfârșitul fișierului pentru a configura partajarea:


  1. [Share]
    path = /srv/samba/share
    browsable = yes
    writable = yes
    guest ok = yes
    create mask = 0775
    directory mask = 0775
    • [Share]: Numele resursei partajate. Poți să-l schimbi după preferințele tale.
    • path: Calea către directorul pe care vrei să-l partajezi.
    • browsable: Dacă resursa partajată va fi vizibilă în rețea.
    • writable: Permite scrierea în directorul partajat.
    • guest ok: Permite accesul oaspeților fără autentificare.
    • create mask și directory mask: Permisiunile pentru fișierele și directoarele create.
  2. Salvează și închide fișierul de configurare (Ctrl+O, Enter, Ctrl+X în Nano).

 Restartarea serviciului Samba

  1. Restart serviciul Samba pentru a aplica modificările:
  • sudo systemctl restart smbd
  • Verifică statusul serviciului Samba:
  1. sudo systemctl status smbd

4. Accesarea resursei partajate

  • De pe un alt sistem Linux:
  • smbclient //IP-adresa-serverului/Share -U guest
  • De pe un sistem Windows:
    • Deschide Explorer (Windows Key + E).
    • În bara de adresă, scrie \\IP-adresa-serverului\Share și apasă Enter.

5. Configurarea permisiunilor pentru utilizatori specifici (Opțional)

  1. Adaugă un utilizator Samba:
  • sudo smbpasswd -a username
  • Modifică configurația pentru a solicita autentificare:
  • [Share]
    path = /srv/samba/share
    browsable = yes
    writable = yes
    valid users = username
    create mask = 0775
    directory mask = 0775
  • Restart serviciul Samba din nou:
  1. sudo systemctl restart smbd

Acum ai configurat Samba pe sistemul tău Linux și ai partajat un director în rețea. Utilizatorii din rețea ar trebui să poată accesa resursa partajată conform permisiunilor pe care le-ai setat.

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Tutorial: creating a UFW Rule for DNS access from a specific IP

UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall) is a straightforward tool for managing firewall rules on Linux systems. If you want to allow DNS access only from a specific IP, you can do so by configuring a specific rule in UFW. Here’s how:

Step 1: Install UFW (if not already installed)

If you don’t already have UFW installed, you can do so using the following command in the terminal:

sudo apt install ufw

Step 2: Enable UFW

If UFW is not already enabled, you can do so using the command:

sudo ufw enable

Step 3: Adding a Rule for DNS Access

To allow DNS access only from a specific IP (let’s assume the IP address is, use the command:

sudo ufw allow from to any port 53

This command allows traffic from the specified IP address to any destination on port 53, which is the standard port used for the DNS service.

Step 4: Checking the Added Rule

You can check the added rule using the command:

sudo ufw status

This will show you a list of all active UFW rules.

Step 5: Testing DNS Access

Finally, you can test whether the rule is working as intended. You can use a command such as nslookup or dig to test DNS access to an external DNS server from the specified IP address.

Make sure to replace the IP address specified in the command sudo ufw allow from to any port 53 with the IP address you want to allow DNS access from. Also, verify and adjust any other settings or ports as per your specific needs.

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A friendly guide to updates in CentOS

Step 1: Start with the Terminal

Open up the terminal – that little space where you can do big things! It’s like having your personal magician who can work wonders with just a few simple commands. Find it in your menu or hit Ctrl + Alt + T to bring it up.

Step 2: Check for Updates

It’s time to see what surprises today has in store! Type with confidence:

sudo yum check-update

This command will look for the latest updates available for your system and bring you all the news.

Step 3: See What’s New

Let’s see what’s on the list! Run the command:

sudo yum list updates

Here you’ll see a list of all the packages that are ready to have a little update party on your system. Give them a little wave!

Step 4: Update Everything

It’s time to get the party started! Type:

sudo yum update

This will take all the updates you’ve selected and install them for you. It’s like giving your system a new lease on life!

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