How to avoid Bottleneck on your PC

A good piece of advice when building a PC is to have a balanced part list, else bottlenecks may occur.
A bottleneck happens when a faster component is limited by another. This refers to CPU, GPU, RAM.
There is a point where, keeping one part the same, having a faster another part is not helpful at all.

Many people build a PC for gaming. A too fast CPU with a too slow GPU (or the reverse) is usually bad.
Instead of thinking about a single performance metric (like FPS), we can use one metric for each part.
We can define a CPU FPS and a GPU FPS, the actual FPS being always the lower value, never the upper.

CPU FPS = FPS when the CPU is the bottleneck – No matter how fast the GPU is, this is the maximum.
GPU FPS = FPS when the GPU is the bottleneck – No matter how fast the CPU is, this is the maximum.
This may be an oversimplification, but the statements above are true within a small margin of error.

CPU FPS increases with the single core performance and with the core count up to a limit (now 6 – 8).
GPU FPS increases when the GPU is better and when the graphical settings (+resolution) are lowered.

In order to avoid bottlenecks when gaming, here are some rules for deciding between CPU and GPU:

  1. The more demanding the game is, the more a faster GPU is needed and the less a faster CPU.
    Actually both are needed, but if the GPU is weak, the game is going to be almost unplayable.
    AAA games are more demanding than e-sports, newer games are more demanding as well.
  2. The higher the graphical settings are, the more a faster GPU is needed and the less a faster CPU.
    Resolution is included in graphical settings and it has values like: 1080p, 1440p and 4K.
    1080p = 1920 x 1080, 1440p = 2560 x 1440, 4K = 3840 x 2160, others are virtually unused.

(!) Some games (like simulation ones) are not graphically focused, they need a strong CPU.

Keep in mind that 1440p is much closer to 1080p than to 4K. The rule: 4K gaming is GPU bottlenecked.
How many pixels? 1080p = 2 073 600 pixels, 1440p = 3 686 400 pixels, 4K (2160p) = 8 294 400 pixels.

Sometimes a bottleneck occurs between the CPU and the RAM, particularly when the RAM is slow.
First of all, 3200 MHz CL 16 is the sweet spot and it should run at this speed on many new systems.
If gaming using an integrated GPU, don’t get slower RAM because RAM is a huge bottleneck here.

The final rule: Always search for benchmarks. Try to find many sources to be sure of the performance.

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Ce este Smishing-ul si cum sa va protejati de aceste atacuri

Smishing-ul este combinatia dintre „SMS text messages” si „phishing” ceea ce inseamna ca este un atac de tip phishing care se efectueaza prin intermediul mesajelor text pe care le primiti pe dispozitivele dvs. mobile. Mesajele au in general un continut atragator, incercand sa va convinga sa dati click pe un anumit link.

Dand click pe linkul respectiv veti fi directionat catre un website real, unde vi se va solicita sa introduceti informatii sensibile cum ar fi ID-ul de utilizator, parola sau detalii bancare. Daca dati curs solicitarilor de acest tip veti deveni o victima a criminalilor cibernetici care va vor folosi datele pentru a comite fraude legate de identitate, vor sustrage bani din contul dvs. bancar sau pentru a efectua  alte activitati rau intentionate.

O inselatorie de tip phishing (phishing scam) este o forma de atac cibernetic care va vizeaza pe dvs. sau afacerea dvs., trimitandu-va linkuri sau mesaje rau intentionate prin email, mesaje text SMS sau apeluri telefonice. Daca veti da click pe link sau furnizati informatii confidentiale prin orice cale, veti deveni o victima a acestor atacuri.

Tipuri de atacuri Smishing

Inselatoriile phishing prin SMS sunt efectuate in numeroase moduri. Iata cateva dintre cele mai comune metode de smishing pe care le folosesc criminalii cibernetici in zilele noastre:

  • Mesaje text de la institutii financiare, banci sau companii de asigurari care anunta ca exista o problema cu contul dvs. care trebuie rezolvata rapid
  • Mesaje text care va informeaza ca ati castigat un premiu important, un bilet de loterie sau oferte cu diverse reduceri
  • Mesaje text de la organizatii online care va solicita sa va verificati metodele de plata
  • Mesaje din partea diferitelor organizatii caritabile, pentru a face donatii
  • SMS de la autoritati pentru a afla detalii

Atacuri Smishing: Cum functioneaza?

Atacurile smishing nu sunt ceva complicat fiind chiar usor de intreprins. Atacatorii folosesc cateva instrumente deloc complicate si ii vizeaza pe detinatorii de device-uri mobile trimitand mesaje text. Uneori, escrocii primesc detalii despre victimele lor inainte de a lansa un atac (social engineering scam).

Iata o descriere detaliata al modului in care se desfasoara  atacurile de phishing prin SMS:

1. In primul rand, primiti un mesaj text de la infractorii cibernetici. Atacatorii folosesc numere de telefon falsificate pentru a se asigura ca SMS-urile creeaza impresia expedierii de la o entitate existenta – banca, etc.

De exemplu, daca escrocii au trimis un mesaj ca venind din partea unei banci atunci foarte probabil va vor pune intrebari legate de contul dvs. bancar. Daca fraudatorii detin mai multe detalii despre dvs., atunci ei vor cere informatii mai specifice despre dvs. pentru a va face sa credeti ca mesajul text provine de la un site web real sau o aplicatie pe care o utilizati.

2. Continutul mesajelor text este diferit de la caz la caz. Dar scopul tuturor mesajelor este de a crea un sentiment de urgenta pentru a va face sa luati masuri rapide.

3. Al treilea pas va determina soarta (!!). Daca ignorati mesajul text atunci acesta este sfarsitul acestei inselatorii. Dar, daca dati click pe link veti fi directionat catre un site cu aspect legitim, dar care in realitate este un site fals care imita originalul. La accesarea site-ului, fie vi se va cere sa furnizati informatii confidentiale, fie sa descarcati software pentru a finaliza procesul.

Atacatorii va vor cere sa furnizati informatii confidentiale precum ID-ul de utilizator, datele de conectare la serviciu, detaliile bancare, detaliile cardului bancar, etc. Site-ul web va va cere sa descarcati un program pe telefonul mobil care ofata instalat le va oferi atacatorilor acces la dispozitivul dvs. Acestia vor putea sa va  monitorizeze toate miscarile si va vor fura informatiile despre cont, bani etc.

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How to send encrypted message in Outlook

Outlook client for Windows

  1. Create a New Email
  2. Select Options from the Ribbon
  3. Click Encrypt (or Permissions)
  4. Choose Encrypt-Only or another option from the dropdown menu

Sending with Outlook for Windows

Outlook on the Web (OWA)

  1. Create a new message
  2. Select Options from the Ribbon
  3. Select Encrypt, and then Encrypt or another option from the dropdown menu

Outlook client for Mac

  1. Create a new email
  2. Select the Encryption option from the message toolbar

Location of Encryption Button in Ribbon via Outlook Client for Mac

  1. If you don’t see the option of Encryption, select the three dots to add items to your toolbar

Location of three dots button to add more items to the message toolbar

  1. Drag the Encryption button to your toolbar and then hit Done.

Location of Encryption button to be added to Outlook's message toolbar

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How to partial clean your HP Printer

1. Please shut down the product using the power button located under the control panel.

2. Once the product is fully shut down, turn it back on with the same button, but when doing this, you will need to tap on the black screen repeatedly before the start screen shows up.

If you have done step 2 correctly, you will see the screen below.

3. Please then navigate to Administrator and select OK.

4. Please then select Partial Clean tab and select OK.

5. Once the partial clean is done, you will need to navigate to the main menu and select Continue, then OK.

6. Once that’s done you will see the screen shown below and the initializing screen. This should clear the error and once that’s done, please let the support technician know that this has been done as you will still require a service technician on site to configure the machine to be able to use it properly.

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Enabling Remote Desktop Windows 10

Through the Control Panel

  1. Click Control Panel
  2. Choose System and Security
  3. Below the “System” section, choose “Allow remote access”
  4. Open the Remote tab and then under the “Remote Desktop” section, click on “Allow remote connections to this computer”
  5. Tick off the option “Allow connections only from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication”
  6. Press OK and then the Apply button
  • Click Control Panel
  • Choose System and Security
  • Below the “System” section, choose “Allow remote access”
  • Open the Remote tab and then under the “Remote Desktop” section, click on “Allow remote connections to this computer.”
  • Tick off the option “Allow connections only from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication”
  • Press OK and then the Apply button

After completing those steps, the remote desktop connections will be enabled on the device. Remote Desktop Windows 10 will deploy the necessary rules in the built-in Microsoft Defender Firewall. However, you still need to configure the rules manually if you are using a third-party firewall.

Through the Settings application

  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Choose System, then click Remote Desktop.
  3. Turn on the “Enable Remote Desktop” switch.
  4. Press the Confirm button.

After doing the steps above, you can launch the app from the Start menu. To start a remote desktop connection, follow these instructions:

  1. Open the Remote Desktop program.
  2. Click the + Add button located in the upper right corner, and choose the PCs option.
  3. Below the “PC name” section, identify the TCP/IP address of the computer you’re trying to control:
    • Enter the local IP address for devices inside a private network
    • Enter the public IP address for devices in a remote network
  4. Under the “User account” part, hit the + (plus) button.
  5. Enter the account information to log in to the remote computer:
    • For remote devices using a Microsoft account, input your Microsoft account information.
    • For remote devices using a local account, sign in with your local username and password.
  6. If you want to specify the account’s name, you may change it under the “Display name” section and click the Save button after.
  7. You may also configure additional settings such as the option to connect using an admin session and set the remote session resolution.
  8. To launch a remote session, click the connection below the “Saved Desktop” section.
  9. When necessary, choose the “Don’t ask about this certificate again” option.
  10. Finally, click “Connect”.

After following these steps, you should be able to use the remote desktop Windows 10 app. To end the session, you can close the window or click the three-dotted menu button from the top-middle portion to Disconnect.

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How to share files in File Explorer

Select a file, go to the Share tab and select Share. Choose how you want to send the file, then follow the process for that option.

Where to find the Share button in File Explorer on Windows 10

Use OneDrive

If you have OneDrive files saved on your PC, there are a couple ways you can share them from File Explorer:

  • Get a link you can share with anyone. Right-click (or press and hold) a OneDrive file or folder and select Share a OneDrive link.(If you’re using OneDrive for Business, select Share, select Copy Link, then select Copy.) Now you can post the link wherever you like.How to share a file via Microsoft OneDrive on Windows 10
  • Email a link to just a few people. Right-click (or press and hold) the file, select More OneDrive sharing options > Invite people, then enter their email addresses. (If you’re using OneDrive for Business, select Share, select an option from the drop-down list box, and select Apply. Then enter email addresses above the blue line and select Send.)

Send an email

If you have a desktop mail app installed, select your file, then select Share > Email to open a new message with the file attached.

How to share a file via email on Windows 10

Share in your workgroup or domain

To share files with people in your workgroup or domain:

  1. Select the file or folder you want to share.
  2. Go to the Share tab, and then in the Share with section, select Specific people.
  3. Enter email addresses for the people you want to share the file with, select Add for each one, then select Share.

Share to a nearby device

Nearby sharing in Windows 10 lets you share documents, photos, links to websites, and more with nearby devices by using Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.

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How to Disable or Enable the Network Adapter in Network Connections

In the search bar or in the Run, type control.exe /name Microsoft.NetworkAndSharingCenter and press the Enter key (or go to the Start menu ⇨ Settings ⇨ Network and Internet ⇨ Status ⇨ Adapter Settings).

Open Adapter Settings

On the left side, click on “Change adapter settings“.

Step 1 to disable or enable network adapter is to Change adapter settings

To disconnect the network connection: select the network adapter that you want to disconnect and click on “Disconnect the Network Device” (or right-click on the network connection and select Disconnect).

Disconnect the Network Device
To enable the network connection: select the network adapter you want to enable, and click on “Turning on the Network Device” (or right-click on the network connection and select “Connect“).
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How to use Telnet on Windows 10

How to Enable Telnet on Windows 10?

Windows computers, by default, disable Telnet because of security reasons. So, the first step in using Telnet is to enable the Telnet client.

For this, open the Command Prompt and type the following command to see if Telnet is enabled:

C: telnet

You can see that the system doesn’t recognize the command because Telnet is not enabled at the moment. You can choose from two methods for enabling Telnet on your Windows machine.

Method 1: Enable Telnet Through The GUI

Follow these steps to enable Telnet via the GUI:

1. Access the Control Panel’s Programs and Features section:

Enable Telnet Through The GUI

2. Select the option to turn Windows features on or off.

turn Windows features on or off

3. To install the feature, find the Telnet Client option on the list, select it, and then click OK.

Telnet Client option

4. Click Close when Windows completes the process.

5. Launch the Microsoft Telnet Client by typing telnet in the Command Prompt:

Launch the Microsoft Telnet

6. Enter quit to end the Telnet session.

Method 2: Use the Command Prompt to Enable Telnet

You should follow these steps if you wish to enable Telnet through the GUI:

  1. Launch the Command Prompt and run the following command:

C: pkgmgr /iu:"TelnetClient"

Use the Command Prompt to Enable Telnet

2. Now relaunch the Command Prompt and enter telnet to launch the Microsoft Telnet Client.

3. Once you see the Microsoft Telnet> prompt, enter quit to exit.

How to Test Open Ports Using Telnet in Windows

When working with remote systems, you often need to check for open ports that allow incoming Telnet connection. For this, use the following Telnet command:

Microsoft Telnet> telnet <address> <port number>

Here, addresses can be symbolic (domain) or numerical (IP addresses). For instance, use the following command to create a Telnet connection to the RedSwitches website:

Microsoft Telnet> telnet 23

This command can result in one of the following three scenarios:

The command throws an error, indicating that the network port 23 is not open for connections.

Test Open Ports Using Telnet in Windows

The command results in a blank screen showing that port 23 is open.

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How to disable function keys Windows 10

The simplest way to turn off the Function keys is by pressing the Fn + Esc keys at the same time. This will disable the Function keys and you won’t need to use them. However, this is only a temporary solution and you will need to repeat this process every time you want to turn off the Function keys.

Using the BIOS

Another way to turn off the Function keys on Windows 10 is to access the BIOS. To do this, restart your PC and press the appropriate key during the bootup process to enter the BIOS. Once you’re in the BIOS, look for the “Function Key Behavior” option and select the “Disabled” option. This will turn off the Function keys permanently.

The Windows Mobility Center also allows you to turn off the Function keys. To access this, open the Start Menu and type “Windows Mobility Center”. Then, select the “Keyboard” option and toggle the “Function Key Lock” to the “Off” position. This will disable the Function keys on your PC.

Using a Third-Party Software

If you want a more permanent solution, you can use a third-party software like SharpKeys to turn off the Function keys. SharpKeys is a free software that allows you to customize your keyboard and remap keys. To use SharpKeys, download and install the software and then select the “Add” option to create a new mapping. Then, select the “Fn” key as the “From key” and select “Disabled” as the “To key”. This will disable the Function keys on your PC.

Using the Registry Editor

The Registry Editor is another way to turn off the Function keys. To access the Registry Editor, open the Start Menu and type “Regedit” in the search bar. Then, navigate to the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout. Once you’re here, right-click on the key and select “New” > “DWORD (32-bit) Value”. Name this value “Scancode Map” and set the “Value data” to “00000000 000000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00”. This will turn off the Function keys on your PC.

Using Group Policy Editor

The Group Policy Editor is another way to turn off the Function keys. To access the Group Policy Editor, open the Start Menu and type “gpedit.msc” in the search bar. Then, navigate to the following location: Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Mobility Center. Once you’re here, double-click on the “Function Key Lock” policy and select the “Disabled” option. This will turn off the Function keys on your PC.

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How to enable split screen in Windows 10 & Windows 11

To enable the split-screen feature:

  1. Click Start and Settings
  2. Select System
  3. Select Multitasking, and then switch Snap windows on
  4. Select the window you want to split by the title bar, and then press the keyboard shortcut Windows key + left / right arrow.

Windows 11

To enable the split-screen feature:

  1. Place the mouse pointer over the window’s maximize button (do not click)
    Split windows
  2. Click one of the panes to place the application

Another way is to set options under Multitasking.

  1. Select Start and Settings
  2. Select System
  3. Select Multitasking.
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