How to Make Outlook to Spellcheck Emails Before They’re Sent

If perfect spelling is not your area of expertise, professional-looking emails can be something of a minefield. Nobody wants their communications to have spelling errors left in, so let Microsoft Outlook help by automatically spellchecking emails before they’re sent.

The best way to deal with spelling errors in an email is not to make them in the first place, and toward that end, Outlook can help. The Microsoft Outlook client has a setting that forces spellcheck to take place after you click the “Send” button. If no errors are found, the email is sent like normal. If a spelling error is found, Outlook gives you the option to correct it before the email is sent.

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Nu puteti adauga un cont Gmail la Outlook

Atunci când adăugați un cont Gmail la Outlook, vi se solicită un nume de utilizator și o parolă. Vi se solicită apoi să selectați Allow pentru Microsoft Apps & Services. După ce alegeți Permiteți primiți următoarea eroare:

“Ne pare rău, nu v-am putut conecta la Google-IMAP. Încercați din nou mai târziu.”

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