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Cum sa schimbi .mov in .mp4 intr-un mod simplu pe Windows 10 si MAC
[mai mult...]Can You Stop People from Adding You to Groups on Instagram?
In a common Instagram spam strategy, an obviously fake account adds you (and a load of other victims) to a group chat. Unfortunately, depending on what kind of account you have, you might not be able to stop it from happening. Here’s what you can do instead.
[mai mult...]How to Export and Delete Saved Passwords in Microsoft Edge
The Microsoft Edge web browser can save and sync your usernames and passwords across all your devices using your Microsoft account. But if you’re moving away from Edge, it’s best to first export and delete all your saved passwords.
While Microsoft Edge’s built-in password management is convenient, it’s only limited to the browser. We recommend that you use a dedicated password management tool that offers cross-device sync support and can work across multiple platforms and browsers.
Moving to a new password management service is not that difficult. All you have to do is export a CSV file from Microsoft Edge and import it into the password management tool. Services like Bitwaren make it quite easy to import your data.
[mai mult...]Cum se introduce o imagine in interiorul textului in Microsoft World
Doriti sa inserati o imagine in interiorul unui text si nu aveti un program dedicat pentru acest lucru.
Il puteti face foarte simplu in Microsoft Word. Iata care sunt pasii pentru a realiza acest lucru:
- Trebuie sa mergeti pe Insert si apoi sa alegeti SmartArt
- Acum alegeti din meniul din stanga ,,List’’ si primul chenar ,,Basic Block List’’
- Vor aparea 5 chenare si le puteti edita in functie de ce aveti nevoie sa faceti.
- Puteti sterge chenarale cu ajutorul tastei Delete de pe tastatura pana cand ramane un singur cadran.
- Aici scriem textul dorit
- Puteti schimba Fontul cu ceva mai interesant
- Dupa ce ati editat textul, pentru a insera o imagine in interiorul textului mergeti pe Format – Text Fill si alegeti Picture
- Acesta este ultimul pas: alegeti ce imagine doriti din propriul PC.
Activarea si dezactivarea modului Ortho in Autocad
Modul Ortho este folosit in Autocad exclusiv pentru a desena folosind miscari perfect drepte, fie orizontale, fie verticale. Acest mod este folosit in mod special de arhitecti si de cei care doresc sa traseze linii, arce de cerc, etc. pe o directie exacta.
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