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AirDrop for Android: How to use Android NearbyShare

iPhones and Macs have a handy feature called “AirDrop” that makes it a breeze to share content between devices. Google’s equivalent is called “Nearby Share,” and it’s something you should know how to use. Nearby Share uses Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, or NFC to send content between Android devices, Windows PCs, and Chromebooks wirelessly. It’s natively built-in to Android and Chrome OS (Windows users need to download an app) making it the closest thing the Google ecosystem has to Apple’s AirDrop.

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Shortcut accesare date and time din Taskbar in Windows 10

Exact cum v-am obisnuit in ultimele solutii, incerc sa va arat shortcut-uri alternative pentru diverse operatiuni. Poate ca nu le veti folosi foarte des, dar este bine sa stiti ca acestea exista.

Sa presupunem ca vrem sa vedem calendarul din Taskbar pe luna curenta, dar fara a mai fi nevoie sa folosim mouse-ul si tinandu-ne degetele pe tastatura.

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