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Cum protejati un document cu ajutorul LibreOffice

Protejarea unui document prin parola este un pas important in asigurarea confidentialitatii si securitatii informatiilor sensibile sau confidentiale. Aceasta practica impiedica accesul neautorizat la documentul dvs., deoarece doar cei care cunosc parola il pot deschide
Pentru protejarea unui fisier cu ajutorul parolei se vor urma pasii de mai jos:

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How to Upload an Instagram Reel From a Computer

To upload reels from your computer, visit Instagram.com in your preferred web browser, sign in to your account, select “Create” on the left, choose “Select From Computer,” and select your video file. You’ll have the option to trim or crop the video before uploading it as a reel.

Have you made an Instagram Reel video on your computer and don’t want to transfer it to your phone to then upload it to the site? Don’t worry, there’s a way to upload Reels to Instagram directly from your Windows, Mac, Linux, or Chromebook computer.

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How to Find and Delete Your Google Assistant Voice History

To delete your Google Assistant voice history, head to the Google Assistant Activity site, find the entry you want to delete and select “X” next to it. To delete your entire history, choose Delete > Delete All Time, and confirm by selecting “Delete.”

Whether you’re privacy-conscious, or you just don’t want Google keeping a historyof your voice conversations with its Assistant, it’s easy to delete your voice data from Google. Here’s how to do just that on both your desktop and mobile.

Once you’ve accessed your voice data, you can either delete individual interactions you’ve had with Assistant, or you can delete all your Assistant activities.

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Shared mailbox Outlook

Sunteti angajat intr-o firma si pe langa adresa personala pe care o aveti oferita de catre companie aflati dupa un timp ca trebuie sa folositi o adresa de grup comuna pentru a putea trimite/ receptiona mesaje. Procedura ar fi sa faceti un ticket si sa asteptati sa se conecteze cineva de la departamentul IT ca sa puteti sa o folositi. Acest lucru din nefericire poate dura un timp. Tot ce trebuie sa faceti este detaliat mai jos:

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