How to set up BitLocker for a removable USB drive in Windows 11
BitLocker is like a secret lock for your computer’s hard drive. It scrambles all your files so that they’re unreadable unless you have a special key. Even if someone takes your hard drive out and puts it in another computer, they can’t see your files without that key.
How to set up:
- Click the Start button and search for “BitLocker” or open Control Panel and you can access it from there.
- Select the removable USB drive.
- Press “Turn on BitLocker”.
- Select “Use a password to unlock the drive”, make sure to create a secure password and press Next.
- In this step you’ll have to save the recovery key for the selected drive, you can choose which option suits you better.
- After you make sure that you saved your recovery key press Next.
- For better security choose “Encrypt entire drive” and press Next.
- Since we are talking about a removable drive, we are going to choose “Compatible mode” at this step and press Next.
- Now we can start our encryption by pressing Start encrypting.