Cum deschidem fereastra Keyboard Properties folosind Run in Windows 10
In fereastra Keyboard Properties putem face diverse setari pentru a configura tastatura dupa preferinte.
[mai mult...]Soluții pentru problemele tale IT
In fereastra Keyboard Properties putem face diverse setari pentru a configura tastatura dupa preferinte.
[mai mult...]Flight tracker apps are a popular way to keep tabs on planes in the sky, because when you’re preparing to fly or when someone you know is on board a flight, you can use them to check that things are still on schedule. But if you have an iPhone, you don’t need to download and install a third-party app to track a flight – it’s a handy built-in feature of the operating system.
The ability to track flights in iOS is thanks to the data detectors that Apple has integrated into the system for quite a few years now. Data detectors recognize things like times, dates and addresses, and in the right context, turns these into tappable links.
[mai mult...]Unsolicited phone calls and messages can become a regular annoyance and even a cause of stress for many smartphone users these days. Thankfully, Apple provides features in iOS that allow you to block nuisance calls and messages from the same number coming through to your phone, and in this article we’re going to show you how to set them up.
Whether it’s messages from a debt collector looking for the wrong person, a random number from a foreign country that keeps calling in the middle of the night, or just someone in your contacts that you’d rather not hear from again, following the steps below should stop them from bothering you.
How to Block a Recent Caller on iPhone
If the number you want to block is a recent caller, follow these steps on your iPhone.
Când lucrezi cu formule complexe în Excel, poți găsi rapid erorile folosind instrumentele din Formula Auditing.Aceste funcții te ajută să vizualizezi conexiunile dintre celule și să rezolvi rapid eventualele probleme.
[mai mult...]În timp ce lucrezi cu fișiere Excel importante există riscul sa faci modificări accidentale care pot afecta datele sau structura întregului document.
[mai mult...]Această funcționalitate este utilă pentru a asigura că datele introduse în foaia de calcul respectă anumite criterii, ceea ce poate fi foarte util în gestionarea și analiza datelor.
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