

DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN is an error which notifies about failure to find a corresponding domain’s IP in Domain Name System. In other words, it informs that the attempt to translate the website name to IP address did not succeed. It prevents people from reaching desired websites online and states “This site can’t be reached” or “This site is not available“. The issue usually bothers Google Chrome users. Receiving this error can be frustrating as it prevents users from browsing the Internet.

Typical message displayed by the error window either gives no advice on what to do next, or suggests running Windows Network Diagnostics, which often proves to be useless. However, there are a variety of easy fixes that can help to resolve this error in minutes. That said, any user can solve this problem manually or automatically using methods collected and described by our team.

Now if you have run into DNS PROBE FINISHED NXDOMAIN error on Windows, you should not worry. Let us describe the root causes of this error first so you can understand what actually happened.

The DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN resolution error informs about failure to translate website domain to IP addresses

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How to Disable Favicons in Safari on Mac

For the past couple of years, Safari tabs featured a clean look with just the page title. With Safari 14.0 and higher, Apple shows website favicons in tabs. Don’t like this look? Here’s how to disable favicons in Safari on Mac. Mac users who are using Safari 14.0 and higher (available to users who are running the latest version of macOS Mojave, Catalina, Big Sur, and higher) will see a new tab management.

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Cum poți copia fișiere cu nume lungi în Windows Server 2016 și Windows 10

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