Cum să obțineți 100 GB de spațiu Google Drive gratuit pe un Chromebook
Cum să obțineți 100 GB de spațiu Google Drive gratuit pe un Chromebook.
[mai mult...]Soluții pentru problemele tale IT
Cum să obțineți 100 GB de spațiu Google Drive gratuit pe un Chromebook.
[mai mult...]When opening Excel spreadsheets from unknown sources, a feature in Excel called Protected View shields you from potential risks. This is great, but to work on the document, you will need to switch to editing mode.
[mai mult...]It’s been in the news for weeks: Employees and contractors at Amazon, Google, Apple, and Microsoft are listening to recordings of you talking to voice assistants like Alexa, Google Assistant, Siri, Cortana. Here’s how to stop humans from listening in.
[mai mult...]During email composition, CC (Carbon Copy) and BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) are the two commonly used fields which are used by most of us to send the copies of an email to additional people who are concerned with the information in addition to the main recipients. Irrespective of which email provider you use whether Gmail or Outlook, you will see the CC and BCC fields along with To fields when you compose a new email.
According to the email etiquette, the To field is used to enter the email address of the main recipients. While CC is used to enter the email address of the additional people who are interested in the information or when you simply want to keep them in the loop. While CC is used when you want the main recipients to know that other people have also been sent the same message, BCC is used when you don’t want the main recipients to know who has received the same copy of the email.
Many a time, you may want to CC and BCC yourself or your colleagues in an email so that you are in the loop of important conversations. To make your task easier, Outlook and Gmail enable you to automatically CC and BCC any email address on every email you send. While these can be messy, in some situations, you may need to have a copy of all the ongoing series of email conversations.
You can set a simple rule in Gmail and Outlook that will automatically CC and BCC certain email address to all the emails you compose. In this article, we explain in detail on how to auto CC and BCC a specific email address in Outlook and Gmail.
[mai mult...]Utilizarea unui tabel de conținut din documentul dvs. ușurează navigarea cititorului. Puteți genera un conținut în Word din rubricile utilizate în documentul dvs. Iată cum se face.
[mai mult...]Fii mai organizat și mai fiabil abonându-te la Calendarul Outlook în Google Calendar. Pentru a face acest lucru, veți avea nevoie de Outlook și de un Google Calendar, dar nu veți avea nevoie de plugin-uri, suplimente, extensii etc.
Atât Microsoft, cât și Google acceptă formatul iCal, care este scurtatura pentru „iCalendar”. Este un standard deschis pentru schimbul de calendar și de programare a informațiilor între utilizatori și computere, care există de la sfârșitul anilor ’90.
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