
Back up a virtual machine in Azure

Azure backups can be created through the Azure portal. This method provides a browser-based user interface to create and configure Azure backups and all related resources. You can protect your data by taking backups at regular intervals. Azure Backup creates recovery points that can be stored in geo-redundant recovery vaults.

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Troubleshooting Windows Movie Maker has stopped working

Movie Maker is video-editing software that was formerly bundled with older Windows platforms as part of the Live Essentials suite. However, Microsoft stopped supporting Live Essentials in 2017. Nevertheless, some users still utilize Movie Maker to edit their videos.

Some users have stated on forums that Movie Maker stops working for them. “Windows Movie Maker has stopped working” and “Windows Movie Maker does not start” are two of the more regular WMM error messages that pop up on some users’ desktops.

The “stopped working” error message can pop up when users try to open files within the video editor. Consequently, the software crashes and closes or freezes during playback. Below are a few resolutions that might fix Windows Movie Maker’s stopped working error messages and occasional freezes.


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Cum să gestionați permisiunile aplicațiilor pe Windows 10

Aplicațiile moderne Windows 10 au permisiuni pe care le puteți controla, la fel ca aplicațiile moderne iPhone, iPad și Android. Puteți controla accesul la resurse, cum ar fi locația, camera, microfonul și fotografiile.

Acest lucru funcționează numai pentru aplicațiile moderne din Magazin, cunoscute și ca aplicații Platformă Windows Universal (UWP). Aplicațiile tradiționale Windows pentru desktop au acces la toate și nu există nici o modalitate de a le controla.

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