
How to Connect an Xbox One Controller to Your Mac

Sometimes gaming with a mouse and keyboard just doesn’t cut it; you need the convenience of a controller to enjoy certain games. Luckily, you can use a variety of controllers on your Mac, including your Xbox One Controller.

While the PlayStation 4’s DualShock 4 will play nicely with your Mac over Bluetooth, the Xbox One controller will take a bit more effort. It’s nothing too tricky, though, and you can pull it off with a bit of patience.

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How to Set Up and Use Handoff on Your iPhone and iPad

Handoff is a feature of iPhones, iPads, Apple Watches, and Macs that lets you start something on one device and then complete it on another. For example, you might start reading a web page on your iPhone and then realize you’d rather kick back and read on your iPad or MacBook. With Handoff, making that switch is a cinch. No more noting down the URL or emailing it to yourself for opening on a second device.

You will need to meet a few prerequisites for using Handoff. Both devices must be on the same Wi-Fi network, have Bluetooth turned on, and be signed into the same iCloud account. Assuming your devices meet those conditions, using Handoff is easy. Apple’s first-party apps like Safari, Mail, Messages, and Pages all support Handoff right off the bat. Third-party developers can add support for Handoff as they see fit. No matter which app you’re using, using Handoff is the same.

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What Is a PPTX File (and How Do I Open One)?

A file with the .pptx file extension is a Microsoft PowerPoint Open XML (PPTX) file created by Microsoft PowerPoint. You can also open this type of file with other presentation apps, like OpenOffice Impress, Google Slides, or Apple Keynote. They are stored as a compressed ZIP file, which use a bunch of other files with formatted text, images, videos, and more to open them.

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Cum putem sa instalam si sa rulam Linux Ubuntu si openSUSE pe Windows 10

Inainte de a instala o distributie Linux pentru Windows, trebuie sa stiti ca aceasta caracteristica nu va instala un sistem de operare Linux virtual sau o versiune compilata special pentru Windows 10. Sunt distributiile de Linux intalnite ca si sisteme de baza pe un calculator / server si instalate pe Windows 10 prin caracteristica Windows Subsystem.
Windows Subsystem este o caracteristica ce se bazeaza pe un vechi proiect abandonat de Microsoft. “Project Astoria” ar fi trebuit sa suporte instalarea si rularea de aplicatii Android pe sistemele de operare Windows.
Fiind o distributie de Linux instalata ca subsistem, aceasta nu va putea fi rulata separat de Windows. Putem compara aceasta caracteristica cu aplicatia emulator Wine, ce permite rularea unui sistem de operare Windows pe Linux. In acelasi fel Windows Subsystem for Linux va permite rularea unei distributii Linux pe Windows.

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Cum deschidem fisiere atasate .P7S pe Mail si ce sunt aceste fisiere

Daca aveti de-a face cu licitatiile pe SEAP cu mesaje primite pe e-mail de la banca, cu siguranta ati avut tangente si cu fisierele .P7S. In principiu aceste fisiere contin documente semnate electronic sau insotesc alte fisiere foarte importante.

Scopul trimiterii unui mesaj cu P7S este acela ca mesajul trimis sa nu poata fi deschis decat de destinatar, iar continutul lui sa nu sufere modificari din momentul trimiterii pana in momentul livrarii in Inbox-ul destinatie. Aceste mesaje e-mail .P7S sunt criptate folosind protocolul criptografic Public-Key Cryptography Standard (PKCS).
In mod normal nu aveti nevoie sa deschideti un fisier .P7S cand acesta insoteste un fisier .PDF securizat / criptat. Programul / aplicatia de e-mail va face acest lucru automat, daca aveti autentificat contul de e-mail pe care s-a trimis mesajul. Daca aplicatia de e-mail nu va putea sa descripteze semnatura digitala, in acest caz fisierul .p7s va fi prezent ca atasament.

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