
How to fix error 1053: The Service Did Not Respond To The Start Or Control Request In A Timely Fashion

The Microsoft Windows Service Control Manager controls the state (i.e., stopped, started, paused, etc.) of all installed Windows services. By default, the Service Control Manager will wait 30,000 milliseconds (30 seconds) for a service to respond. However, certain configurations, technical restrictions, or performance issues may result in the service taking longer than 30 seconds to start and report ready to the Service Control Manager.

By creating or editing the ServicesPipeTimeout DWORD value, the Service Control Manager timeout period can be overridden, hence giving the service more time to start up and report ready for the Service.

So if you receive an “Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion” error message, this post is useful for you.

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Resincronizarea fortata a unui cisco IP phone 303

In cazul in care un Cisco IP Phone are tasta microfon rosie si nu are ton, se poate datora faptului ca nu se mai conecteaza in centrala. Daca o simpla repornire sau verificare de cabluri nu rezolva problema, folositi un config pentru a forta resincronizarea setarilor de retea.


  • aveti nevoie de un server TFTP;
  • folositi numele statiei pentru a denumi fisierul config (Ex: SPA0123456789.xml).
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