Multe persoane au probleme cu shortcut-urile la Windows 10 atunci cand au facut upgrade de la windows 8.1. Acestea nu se pot accesa iar la apasarea unui click, ca si raspuns, primim un ecran negru divizat.
In cele ce urmeaza vom prezenta cateva solutii posibile.
In order to set up scan to mail on this printer, log on to its web interface and sign in as System Manager Mode.
Now, go to Settings/Registration and look for TX Settings on the left panel. Next, click on Network Settings – E-Mail/I-Fax and on the Edit button on the upper right side of the screen.
Enter your SMTP Server address, a e-mail address for the printer, click OK, and you can start adding entris to the Address Book from the 1st page.
Pentru a mari o partitie insuficienta pentru salvarea unui numar mare de date sau pentru a micsora o partitie mare pentru a putea aloca spatiu liber puteti folosi aplicatia Partition Wizard.