Sometimes,when you change you default Browser, you may get the following error while opening hyperlinks from Outlook, which appears due to invalid registry entrys.
There is a very simple mwthod to fix this error.
Close all Internet Explorer windows if you have any open to make sure that you don`t have any hidden processes running and rerun it. After that, press Alt and go to Tools tab and Internet Options.
In the new window, go to Advanced tab and click on Reset… button, and Reset again in the newly opened window.
Close the browser, your Outlook client if it`s open, after which you can reopen it and rerun the hyperlinks.
Windows nu afișează serial number-ul PC-ului dvs. nicaieri în interfața sa, și nici nu foloseste instrumentele de sistem de informare populare. Dar puteți găsi adesea un serial number al unui PC cu o comandă simplă, o privire în BIOS sau pe hardware-ul însuși.