
How to start Windows 10 in Command Prompt

If you’re troubleshooting your computer, you may need to boot Windows 10 in the Command Prompt. If Windows 10 can’t boot at all, the command line interface (CLI) is the only option you have. Booting Windows 10 in Command Prompt requires that you have Windows 10 on a bootable disc or USB drive.

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Cum rezolvam „Eroarea 0xc000021a” in Windows

Blue Screen of Death, aka BSOD, aceste erori sunt considerate a fi cel mai rau tip de erori de tratat. Ele apar in principal din cauza unei erori de sistem sau a unei erori fatale si pot cauza probleme grave, cum ar fi instabilitatea sistemului, potentiala pierdere de date si multe altele.
In majoritatea conditiilor, aceste erori BSOD ne impiedica sa accesam sistemul de operare Windows. Prin urmare, rezolvarea acestor erori devine foarte importanta si dificila. Acelasi lucru se Intampla cu eroarea codului de oprire 0xc000021a pe Windows.
Acest cod de eroare 0xc000021a si alte erori BSOD pot aparea din mai multe motive:
-Dispozitive externe incompatibile
-Sectoare de hard disk corupte
-Virusi sau programe malware
-Intrari din registry Windows configurate gresit
Acestea sunt cele mai frecvente motive care declanseaza acest cod de eroare BSOD 0xc000021a. De multe ori, ramanem blocati in bucla de pornire si nu putem porni computerul daca avem de-a face cu codul de eroare BSOD 0xc000021a.

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Find Blocked Sessions

1. find blocked sessions and blocking session

select l1.sid “blocking session”, l2.sid “blocked session”
from v$lock l1, v$lock l2
where l1.sid != l2.sid and l1.id1 = l2.id1 and l1.id2 = l2.id2 and
l2.request > 0 and l1.block = 1;

2. find how long the blocked session is waiting:

blocking_session “blocking_session”,
sid “blocked_session”,
serial# “blocked_serial#”,
seconds_in_wait/60 “wait_time(min)”
from v$session
where blocking_session is not null
order by blocking_session;

3. find which SQL command is waiting

select s.sid, s.serial# ser#, s.process os_id, s.status, sql.sql_fulltext
from v$session s, v$sql sql, v$process p
s.sql_id=sql.sql_id and
s.sql_hash_value=sql.hash_value and
s.paddr=p.addr and

4. resolving locks
If the Blocking session do not issue COMMIT, ROLLBACK or disconnects from the database,
Then you can kill that session — After having the approval from the owner of the sql such application team if is involved user/app schema, DBA/Oracle Support if the sql is database internal).

alter system kill session ‘SID,Serial#’;

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Oracle 19c: how to dump events for a session

sqlplus as / sysdba

SELECT pid, spid FROM v$process where addr IN (SELECT paddr FROM V$session where sid = 131);

oradebug setorapid <PID from v$process>
oradebug eventdump session ;
oradebug tracefile_name

Next, go to the file and search for “eventdump session” and/or “Dumping Event (group=SESSION”

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