
How to use a PS4 Controller on Steam

  1. Open Steam
  2. Go to Settings in top left dropdown
  3. Open Controller tab
  4. Click General Controller Settings
  5. Register device to your account
  6. Change preferences
  7. Calibrate joysticks
  8. Tick PlayStation Configuration Support
  9. Remap from Settings Controller tab/in game

Thanks to official Steam support, there’s almost no setup involved in getting your PS4 controller working in Steam. Just be sure to pair or plug in your controller before opening Steam or any Steam games, otherwise your controller may not be recognized.

If you run into any connection issues, closing and reopening Steam should do the trick. Otherwise, try using a USB 2.0 port instead of a USB 3.0 port. DualShock 4s are weird like that. Once connected, navigate to Steam’s settings menu—under the top left dropdown—to get everything running smoothly.

Under the Controller tab, open General Controller Settings; you should see your controller listed under Detected Controllers. From here you can register it to your account, so it will remember the settings on any PC you log into.

[mai mult...]

How to validate digital signature in a PDF

  1. Open the digitally signed PDF that you need to validate using Power PDF.
  2. Locate the digital signature object within the document.
  3. Right click or command-click on the signature object.
  4. Select “Verify Signature” from the context menu.
  5. Power PDF automatically checks the information behind the signature and displays a message saying “Signature Valid” if the document remains in its original form.

Repeat steps 3 and 4 as needed with any other signatures in the document. If Power PDF displays “Signature Validity Unknown,” you should proceed to verify the integrity of the document with the original signer.

Click the “Verify Identity” to check for contact information and to match signature certificate numbers. You may need to contact the signer directly for additional information.

[mai mult...]

How to silently install an .EXE file?

1. Check if setup.exe has some install parameters by calling the setup.exe in a cmd and typing in the /? or /help. This will usually open a help/usage message box.

Setup.exe /? /help
//cmd photo of msg box

2. Access the vendor’s application support page or forum. There, you may find what install parameters the application supports and it might also give you full silent install instructions. That is if the vendor decided to create a support page.

3. If none of the above methods work, you could open the setup.exe by double-clicking on it until you see the installation wizard. Usually, in the installation wizard, you can notice which tool/packaging program was used to package the installer. With this information, you can go to the official website of the tool and search for the default installation parameters.

[mai mult...]

How to silently install an MSI package

MSI stands for Microsoft Installer and it’s the Windows standard installer format. It uses msiexec.exe to install the setup and accepts the standard MSI parameters. MSI’s silent install standard parameters are as follows:

  • /quiet – quiet mode (there is no user interaction)
  • /passive – unattended mode (the installation shows only a progress bar)
  • /q – set the UI level:
  • n – no UI
  • n+ – no UI except for a modal dialog box displayed at the end.
  • b – basic UI
  • b+ – basic UI with a modal dialog box displayed at the end. The modal box is not displayed if the user cancels the installation. Use qb+! or qb!+ to hide the [ Cancel ] button.
  • b- – basic UI with no modal dialog boxes. Please note that /qb+- is not a supported UI level. Use qb-! or qb!- to hide the [ Cancel ] button.
  • r – reduced UI
  • f – full UI

A regular command line to silently install an MSI should look like this:

 Msiexec /i <applicationname.msi> /qb! /l*v install.log
[mai mult...]