
Cloud Hosting – cerințe și selecție

Pentru a cumpăra Cloud Hosting bun, trebuie mai întâi să impuneți cerințele pe hârtie. Aceasta se aplică atât software-ului personalizat, cât și standard.

  • Securitate puternică
  • Viteza constantă
  • Posibilități de extindere infinită
  • Putere mare de calcul
  • Administrabilitate puternică și intuitivă

Acestea sunt caracteristici pe care le căutați pentru găzduirea în cloud a aplicației dvs. de afaceri.Pentru a selecta Cloud Hosting potrivit, trebuie să evaluați mai întâi mai mulți factori: servicii oferite, gestionarea datelor, opțiuni de stocare, securitate, ușurință în utilizare și așa mai departe.

În funcție de aplicația dvs., pot exista zeci de opțiuni de găzduire în cloud de care aveți nevoie. Cu toate acestea, există o serie de servicii pe care fiecare furnizor de găzduire cloud trebuie să le aibă pentru a oferi o soluție semnificativă și de succes.

SLA, GDPR și audit

Furnizorul de cloud hosting trebuie să fie pregătit să încheie acorduri care se potrivesc organizației dvs. Aceasta se aplică unui acord de procesare în contextul acordului GDPR și pentru încheierea unui Acord privind nivelul de servicii. În plus, trebuie să fie clar și dreptul la audit, trebuie să poți verifica dacă respectă acordurile.

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How to improve your coding with ChatGPT

Is ChatGPT Any Good for Coding?

ChatGPT can be powerful as a tool. It can develop more efficient methods of doing things and even give you a heads-up when needed. However, it’s not a human, and you should be wary about what it tells you to do. ChatGPT can hallucinate vividly and sometimes has trouble recalling things that it just gave you. This is even worse when considering using two approaches to get the same result. It isn’t intelligent enough to know which one of the options you choose to go with, so you’ll have to “label” it.

GPT can serve as a “code companion” to developers. Many of us know that sometimes, we miss tiny details, and GPT can help keep us aware of those details. If you’re a new coder, you can ask GPT questions to help you understand complex concepts and break those down into more digestible bits. More experienced coders can use GPT to look up things they might have spent hours scouring forums. I remember learning a new way to do a wave-function collapse algorithm from ChatGPT after spending almost eleven hours (!) looking for a simple explanation online. GPT is also really great at giving you code snippets. For example, the prompt, “How do I Sort an Array in Python,” provided us the following code block:

“How can I implement a binary search in Java?” gives you this:

When prompting ChatGPT for snippets like these, be succinct. Don’t combine more than one idea at a time, and specify the language.

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3 ways to fix memory Integrity Errors on Windows 11

Are you seeing the Memory integrity is off message in Windows Security and are unable to enable it because its toggle is grayed out? Having this feature disabled means that your system is at a risk of being invaded by malware. Read along to know what’s causing this problem and how you can fix it.

What Causes Memory Integrity Errors on Windows

Memory integrity is a virtualization-based security feature that safeguards your computer against malware that tries to exploit the Windows kernel. You can turn it on or off in the Core isolation section of the Windows Security app. Open the Windows Security app, click the “Device Security” tab on the left, and scroll to Core Isolation. Sometimes, the memory integrity toggle may appear grayed out with a message stating, “Memory integrity is off. Your device may be vulnerable.”

This issue is often linked to your drivers. If your drivers become corrupted due to reasons such as improper system shutdowns or BSOD, you’ll likely encounter this problem. Another situation where you might encounter this issue is when you connect a new device to your computer. If you see this message in such cases, it suggests that your computer may not be compatible with the driver of the newly connected device. In addition to all those scenarios, it could simply be an interface problem. This means the feature is functioning correctly in the background, but you’re seeing the message due to an interface bug in Windows 11.

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