
How to generate byte code file in python?

Whenever the Python script compiles, it automatically generates a compiled code called as byte code. The byte-code is not actually interpreted to machine code, unless there is some exotic implementation such as PyPy. The byte-code is loaded into the Python run-time and interpreted by a virtual machine, which is a piece of code that reads each instruction in the byte-code and executes whatever operation is indicated. Byte Code is automatically created in the same directory as .py file, when a module of python is imported for the first time, or when the source is more recent than the current compiled file.

Next time, when the program is run, python interpreter use this file to skip the compilation step. Running a script is not considered an import and no .pyc file will be created. For instance, let’s write a script file that imports another module Now run file, xyz.pyc will be created since xyz is imported, but no abc.pyc file will be created since isn’t being imported. But there exist an inbuilt py_compile and compileall modules and commands which facilitate the creation of .pyc file.

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How to check spelling before sending a message in office Outlook

In desktop versions of Outlook, you can check the spelling in your email message at any time by clicking Review > Spelling & Grammar.

To keep the Spelling & Grammar command always within reach, you can add it to the Quick Access Toolbar. If you don’t want to check spelling manually for every message—or you’re worried you might forget!—you can set Outlook to check spelling for you every time.

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Cum ștergeți cache-ul Windows Update folosind Disk Cleanup

Există multe motive pentru care ați putea dori să ștergeți memoria cache a Windows Update. Este posibil să întâmpinați probleme în găsirea sau instalarea actualizărilor, iar ștergerea memoriei cache rezolvă adesea problema. Ștergerea memoriei cache rezolvă problemele cu actualizările Windows, forțând Windows să re-descarce toate fișierele necesare.

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