The error “DX11 feature level 10.0 is required to run the engine” appears when the system does not have the appropriate Direct3D Hardware Feature Level required by the game engine. This particular error message is signaling that the application engine is unable to use Direct 3D Feature Level version 10.0.If the operating system has the latest DirectX version, the error is usually a sign that the GPU doesn’t meet the minimum system requirements or is running on outdated driver software. Users will encounter this error when trying to run games and other applications that require extensive graphical processing.
Dorim instalarea unui OS Server sau unui esxi pe un server Dell.
Inainte de instalarea propriu-zisa trebuia sa configuram iDRAC pentru buna functionare a viitorului install.
Am instalat pe un server Dell Esxi 6.5 si dorim sa virtualizam o masina.
Sitemul de operare Windows Server 2016 este insa dedicat special pentru serverele Dell