Configurare program

Cum se activeaza sau se blocheaza media autoplay in Mozilla Firefox

Pe anumite site-uri web sunt implementate videoclipuri sau materiale audio care se deruleaza automat, ceea ce inseamna ca folosesc un feature denumit “Autoplay”. De obicei exista un anunt asociat videoclipului, astfel incat site-ul reda videoclipul automat pentru a va asigura ca se aude/se vede.

Firefox blocheaza redarea automata a tuturor continuturilor media cu sunet, in mod implicit. Daca doriti ca un site web sa redea automat continut media sau sa faca alte modificari la setarile de redare automata, puteti utiliza una dintre setarile de mai jos.

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How to Change the Measurement Unit in Microsoft PowerPoint

Most of the world uses the Metric system, whereas the U.S. still uses the Imperial system of measurement. Depending on what you are used to, you may want to change the measurement unit in Microsoft PowerPoint. Here’s how.

While there’s a built-in option for changing the measurement unit in Microsoft Word, that’s not the case for PowerPoint. Microsoft PowerPoint actually uses the system of measurement that the computer it’s installed on uses, which means that you need to adjust your computer’s system settings—not PowerPoint’s.

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