Configurare program

Cum sa instalezi Wireguard pe RaspberryPi

Wireguard este o tehnologie VPN relativ noua, simpla foarte rapida si sigura. Cu ajutorul instructiunilor de mai jos vom configura un RaspberryPi cu wireguard astfel incat sa avem acasa propriul server vpn la care sa ne conectam de oriunde am fi. Acest lucru ne ajuta sa ne conectam remote in siguranta pe echipamentele de acasa. Pentru acest lucru avem nevoie de un RaspberryPi cu Raspbian instalat.

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How to Launch Chrome with a Keyboard Shortcut in Windows 10

Windows 10 is packed full of keyboard shortcuts, but you can also create your own keyboard shortcuts to launch the applications they are assigned to. Here’s how to create one for launching Google Chrome on Windows 10.

You’ll need Google Chrome installed on your PC to do this. You’ll also need to create a desktop shortcut for Chrome if you don’t already have one. To do this, open the “Start” menu by clicking the “Start” button in the bottom-left corner of your desktop.

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