Configurare program

How to Increase the Screen Timeout Length

Screen timeout prevents your phone’s screen from remaining on when you’re not using your device. However, there are times when you don’t want it to do this. Fortunately, you can disable it on your Android phone or tablet. The screen timeout simply determines how long the screen will stay on after you’re done using it. This is usually 30 seconds to 1 minute, by default. If you’re using your phone for something that doesn’t require touching the display, you might find the short screen timeout annoying.

On Android devices, you can easily change the screen timeout length. The process slightly varies depending on which phone you have, as each manufacturer changes the Android user interface. Still, it usually only requires a few steps.

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How to Set Up Donations on Twitch

Many people on Twitch stream as a hobby. If you’re thinking about going full-time, though, you’ll need to raise some cash. Setting up donations on Twitch is one way you can do it!

Along with Twitch’s built-in subscription service, some streamers can accept donations using the platform’s built-in currency (Bits), which is purchased with real money.

If you don’t want Twitch taking a cut of your donations, or you’re unable to accept subscriptions or Bits, you’ll need to look at other methods. PayPal is one of the best ways, but there are other third-party donation services that make it easy for people to send you some cash.

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How to Disable Xbox Achievement Notifications on Windows 10

An Xbox achievement notification for Microsoft Solitaire on Windows 10.

If you’re playing an Xbox game on a Windows 10 PC—like the ones in Microsoft’s Game Pass for PC service—you’ll likely see pop-up notifications for your Xbox achievements. Here’s how to turn off those achievement notifications.

These are controlled from Windows 10’s built-in Game Bar, which is more of a full-screen game overlay at this point. To open it, press Windows+G.

(If you don’t see the Game Bar, head to Settings > Gaming > Xbox Game Bar. Here, you can turn the Game Bar on and control the shortcut that opens it—Windows+G by default.)

The Game Bar overlay on Windows 10.

Click the gear-shaped “Settings” icon at the right side of the bar at the top of your screen.

Opening the Game Bar's settings.

Select “Notifications” at the left side of the Game Bar Settings window. Uncheck “Notify me when I unlock achivements” to hide achievement notifications.

You can also uncheck other types of Game Bar notifications here to hide them, including Xbox social messages, party invites, and new people following you.

You’re done. To leave the Game Bar overlay interface, click outside the window or press Windows+G again.

Disabling Xbox achievement notifications on Windows 10.

Even after disabling achievements notifications, you can still see detailed achievements statistics in the Xbox app on your Windows 10 PC. You can open it from your Start menu by searching for “Xbox.”

Some games may also show in-game information about your unlocked achievements, too.

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How to Type Emoji on Your Mac with a Keyboard Shortcut

Your Mac has a quick hotkey that will open an emoji picker in any app. You can quickly insert an emoji anywhere on macOS—in a messaging app, in an email, or even in a document you’re editing. Here’s how to use it. First, open the app you’d like to insert the emoji into. Click on any text input area, and when you see a cursor, press Control+Command+Space. An emoji panel will pop up.

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