Configurare program

Cum putem ascunde o aplicatie afisata in Context Menu

Cum putem ascunde o aplicatie afisata in Context Menu:

In cazul in care dorim sa ascundem o aplicatie din Context Menu, putem face urmatorul lucru:

Pasul 1
Deschidem regedit si mergem pe calea programului nostru, in cazul de fata – HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\DesktopBackground\Shell\Restricted Access Area

Pasul 2
Click dreapta – New – String Value

Pasul 3
Modificam New Value #1 in Extended

Pentru a aparea programul, tinem apasat tasta Shift si apasam click dreapta.

[mai mult...]

How to fix “You do not have the required privileges to access the specified folder” error when scanning -Canon IJ Scan Utility (macOS)

If you receive an error similar to this when attempting to scan with the IJ Scan Utility, or when attempting to specify a destination folder for saving images:

This may be caused by the permissions for your destination folder being set to Read only.  Follow the steps below to change the permissions for the destination folder.

[mai mult...]

How to Automatically BCC Emails Using Rules in Outlook

Sometimes, you might want to copy your sent emails to another address without the recipient knowing. In Microsoft Outlook, you can set up rules for doing this. We’ll walk you through the process and share an important caveat.

Most people are familiar with the CC (carbon copy) option in their email program. CC’ing someone means you’re sending them a copy of the message. The other recipients can also see who’s been CC’ed.

There’s also a BCC (blind carbon copy) option. Anyone you BCC will be hidden from the other recipients, but he or she will be able to see the sender and the recipients.

[mai mult...]