
How to Uninstall an Update in Windows 11

Think a recently installed update is causing any issues on your Windows 11 PC? You can roll back the update and undo all the changes that it made to your computer. We’ll show you how to uninstall both updates and builds in Windows 11.

In Windows 11, you get two types of updates: builds and regular updates. A build is a major update that brings new features and appearance changes. A regular update, on the other hand, patches bugs and vulnerabilities. You can remove both of these kinds of updates if you find them problematic on your Windows 11 PC.

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Cum se elimina eroarea “This disk is write protected”

Pentru a elimina eroarea :This disk is write protected” trebuie sa parcurgeti pasii urmatori:

  1. Se deschide un command prompt
  2. In fereastra CMD se scrie comanda diskpart
  3. Se da comanda list disk si se apasa enter

In urmatoarele randuri se vor afisa toate disck-urile interne (HDD/SSD), dar si stick-ul introdus (deosebirea se poate face dupa capacitatea de stocare).

4. Se da comanda Attributes Disk si se apasa enter. [in prima linie se poate observa ca pe prima linie se afiseaza:

“Cirremt Read-only State: YES”]

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