How to convert text file from ASCII to HEX Data 23/06/2018 Autor Alexandru Chi. -12 986 For any matters (e.g. programmers/developers requirements) we need to convert ASCII text file to Hexadecimal values. We will use Notepad++ for this purpose. [mai mult...]
View two files side by side in Notepad++ Data 23/06/2018 Autor Alexandru Chi. -9 909 We need to view two files, side by side, for comparison or other reasons. We will follow the steps below. [mai mult...]
How to fix Event Log Service Error 4201 Data 23/06/2018 Autor Alexandru Chi. -12 1182 We want to open the Event Viewer console but we receive the following error: Error 4201: The instance name passed was not recognized as valid by a WMI data provider. We will follow the troubleshooting steps bellow. [mai mult...]
Iconita bateriei laptop-ului din Windows arata ca aceste nu se incarca Data 21/06/2018 Autor Gabriel Burtea -10 1532 Desi aveti laptop-ul la incarcat iar componentele hardware sunt toate functionale statusul bateriei este: “Plugged in Not charging” [mai mult...]
Cum sa reinstalezi avansat aplicatia Dropbox in caz ca nu functioneaza corect Data 21/06/2018 Autor Gabriel Burtea -2 829 Aplicatia Dropbox nu mai functioneaza cum trebuie sau nu se mai deschide [mai mult...]
How to Resolve System Restore Unspecified Error 0x800700b7 Data 21/06/2018 Autor mihai florea -7 809 Nu puteti efectua o restaurare de sistem din cauza erorii 0x800700b7. [mai mult...]