Windows PowerShell is a command-line and scripting language designed for system administration. It helps IT professionals, to control and automate the administration of the Windows Operating System and Windows Server Environment. There are cmdlet for console input and output using PowerShell.
Example : Showing the Output to console
Function to print a string. Input : 'AskIT' Output : Hello AskIT Input : 'PowerShell Beginner' Output : Hello PowerShell Beginner
# show function definition
function show {
param ( $str2 )
#parameter string
Write-Host “Hello $str2”
# output on console
$str = “AskIT”
# string declaration
show ( $str )
#function call with string
Note: If your script show error “script is Disabled” while running program then try to change the execution policy with administrative privilege by using the command ‘set-executionpolicy remotesigned‘.
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