
Configurare noua (How To)


What is Brackets?

Brakets is a free open-source editor written in HTML, CSS and JavaScript with a primary focus on Web Development. It was created by Adobe Systems, licensed under the MIT. License is currently maintained on GitHub. Brackets is available for cross-platform download on Mac, Windows, and Linux.


Pasi de urmat

Download Brackets

Open Brackets

and down you can see all the language like Php,Css and Java

For a start.

First, you go to File and New (ctrl+N)

After you click Save As and -> Desktop -> New Folder you can name index.html, click save

New -> Save As( ctrl+shift+S) -> Desktop -> New Folder -> main

Add Doctype HTML

<!DOCTYPE html>



<meta charset=”utf-8″>


<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”main.css”/>



File -> Save  (Ctrl+s)

Add information

File -> Save (Ctrl+s)

Desktop -> index.html

Double Click in index.html

Tip solutie



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