Apple’s AirDrop is a handy way to transfer files between Macs, iPhones, and iPads. By default, it usually sits in the Favorites sidebar in Finder on macOS, but it can easily be removed by dragging it away. Luckily, it’s easy to add it to Favorites again if you accidentally misplaced it.
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First, click the desktop to bring Finder into focus. Click “Finder” in the menu bar, and then select “Preferences” from the menu.
In “Finder Preferences,” click the “Sidebar” tab.
In the “Show These Items in the Sidebar” section, select the checkbox next to “AirDrop.”
Now, when you open a new “Finder” window, AirDrop should be restored to the “Favorites” section of the sidebar.
To move AirDrop and other entries up or down in the Favorites list, just drag and drop them where you want them.
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