How to change the default font size, color and style in outlook

Configurare noua (How To)


Due to sight problems or simply because of preference, you want to modify the default font size, style and color in outlook and not be bothered to change it over and over again whenever you used the application.


1.First,open outlook and press the the File button on the top left corner of the screen.
From the menu that opens up, press the Option button.

2.A new tab will open. Click the Mail category.There you will see an option named Stationery and Fonts.

3.Another tab will open with multiple categories. We will address the ones that have a Font… button next to them. Click any of the Font button and one last tab will open.

4.The new tab look like the one in the picture below and has options for the Font, style size etc.
After the modifications are complete just press OK and in the remaining tabs and restart outlook to make sure the changes took effect.

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