How to solve long running script error on Microsoft Edge Windows 10

Rezolvare problema (Fix IT)


When you have Long running script error on Microsoft Edge, you need to follow this step:


  1. Open Start > Settings > Apps > Apps & features

Scroll down to Microsoft Edge. Select it. Click Advanced options:

*Click Repair

Restart Computer. If repair does not work, try performing a Reset.

  1. Reinstall Edge

1.a. Navigate to the location:


1.b. Delete everything in this folder:

2. Reset Edge Manually:
Open Start, type: powershell
Right click PowerShell, then click Run as administrator.

2.a. Press Windows  + X

2.b. Right click on Windows Powershell and select Run as administrator.

2.c. Copy and paste the following command.

Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers -Name Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)AppXManifest.xml” –Verbose}

At the prompt, type:

Hit Enter

When complete, exit PowerShell, restart your computer then check if Edge is working again.

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