How to Tell If Your PS5 Is Playing the PS4 Version of a Game

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Some of your PlayStation 5 (PS5) games might be PlayStation 4 (PS4) games in disguise. Here’s how you can tell the difference between console versions and change these games to their next-gen versions.The PlayStation 5, unlike its predecessor, is backward compatible with one generation, meaning that you can play almost all PlayStation 4 games on it. However, one of the downsides is that, for some cross-gen games (games that are released simultaneously on both Sony consoles), the PlayStation 4 version is installed by default. It’s in your best interest to make sure that the game you have installed on your PlayStation 5 is the PS5 version, as there is often a graphical difference between that one and the PS4 version.


The DualSense Options Button

You may be limited in the number of games you can check. However, it is the fastest and clearest way to determine which version of the game you have installed. Find the tile of the game you want to check on your PS5’s home screen. When the tile is highlighted and the game’s backdrop takes up the whole screen, check the title of the game just under the row of tiles. Usually, if the version of the game installed is for the previous-generation console, the game’s title will have “PS4” at the end.

If that’s not clear enough, you can also check which version of the game is installed using the Options menu while you’re on the game’s tile. Tap the Options button on your DualSense controller. This is the small button by the top-right corner of the touchpad. This will bring up an onscreen options drop-down menu next to the tile.

If you’re playing a cross-generation title (meaning one that is available in both PS4 and PS5 versions), then the menu will have the option to “Check Game Version.”

Note: Not all PS4 games have a PS5 version to which you can switch. If you don’t see “Check Game Version” on the Options menu, then you don’t have more than one version from which to choose.

Once you’ve selected “Check Game Version,” a sub-menu will appear onscreen with every version of the game listed. The version that you have installed on your system will have a checkmark next to it.

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