How to uninstall McAfee on Mac using its uninstaller

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Normally, when an application comes with its own uninstaller, the easiest way to uninstall it is to use the uninstaller.


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Go to your Applications folder and locate the McAfee uninstaller.

Double-click the uninstaller to open it.

Type in your admin username and password if requested.

Follow the instructions on the screen to uninstall McAfee.

Reports suggest that even after running the McAfee uninstaller, not all the files it has placed on your Mac are removed. So, the next stage is to check the folders below and drag any files or folders with McAfee in their name to the Trash. To navigate directly to the folders, click the Finder icon in the Dock, choose the Go menu, then Go to Folder and paste each path below, one at a time, into the text box:

/Library/Application Support/

Once you’ve dragged all the files and folders you’ve found that have McAfee in their name to the Trash, empty the Trash.

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