Home/Stații de lucru/OS - Windows/Remedierea erorii “An error occurred while troubleshooting. A problem is preventing the troubleshooter from starting.” Home/Stații de lucru/Remedierea erorii “An error occurred while troubleshooting. A problem is preventing the troubleshooter from starting.” Home/OS - Windows/Depanare/Remedierea erorii “An error occurred while troubleshooting. A problem is preventing the troubleshooter from starting.”
Remedierea erorii “An error occurred while troubleshooting. A problem is preventing the troubleshooter from starting.”
Cand incercam sa rulam un troubleshooter al Windows apare eroarea “An error occurred while troubleshooting. A problem is preventing the troubleshooter from starting.”
Cod de eroare 0x803C010A
Pasi de urmat
Pentru a remedia aceasta situatie urmam acesti pasi:
Accesam Start-Run si scrie Services.msc
Cautam Cryptografic Services in lista de servicii. Acesta va fi setat pe manual
Dam dublu click pe serviciu, il setam pe automatic si ii dam Start
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