Restart a computer from a domain controller using PowerShell

Configurare noua (How To)


To restart a computer from a domain controller using PowerShell, you can utilize the “Restart-Computer” cmdlet with the “-ComputerName” parameter.


First, ensure you have the necessary permissions on the domain controller to restart computers remotely.

  • Open PowerShell as an administrator on the domain controller.
  • Use the following command to restart a specific computer from the domain controller:

Restart-Computer -ComputerName “ComputerName” -Force

  • Replace “ComputerName” with the name of the computer you want to restart. For example:

Restart-Computer -ComputerName “PC01” -Force

  • If you want to restart multiple computers, you can provide a list of computer names:

Restart-Computer -ComputerName “PC01”, “PC02”, “PC03” -Force

  • The -Force parameter will force the restart without prompting for confirmation. Make sure to replace “PC01”, “PC02”, etc., with the actual names of the computers you want to restart.
  • If you need to restart all computers in an Active Directory organizational unit (OU), you can use the following:

Get-ADComputer -Filter * -SearchBase “OU=Computers,DC=YourDomain,DC=com” | Restart-Computer -Force

  • This command gets all computers in the specified OU and then restarts each of them forcefully.

Please exercise caution when using the -Force parameter, as it will force a restart without any warning or user interaction. Make sure you have the appropriate permissions and that restarting the computers will not disrupt any critical operations.

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