Windows Search highlights option is greyed out issue

Configurare noua (How To)


Search highlight is a useful tool that can show the last used searches. If it is greyed-out and disabled, the following steps can help in solving the issue.


Pasi de urmat

Press the Windows+R key to open the Run box. Write regedit in the box then click on OK.

Navigate to the following destination


Look for the DisableSearchBoxSuggestions then double click on it.

Set the Value data to 0, then click OK.

  • Navigate to this destination now

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Search

  • Go to EnableDynamicContentInWSB, double click on it, then set the Value data to 1, then click OK.
  • If you’re unable to find EnableDynamicContentInWSB then you’ll have to create it.
  • Right click on the white space then select DWORD (32-bit) Value and name the new value to EnableDynamicContentInWSB.

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