Zoom error code 10003

Configurare noua (How To)


If you receive error code 10003 when installing Zoom, it may be due to a certificate issue on your device. If your device is managed by your organization’s IT department, it is recommended to reach out to them to fix this issue. You can also try the following troubleshooting steps to help resolve your issue.


Install the certificate from the installer package
  • Locate the Zoom installation package on your device
  • Right-click the installation package and click Properties
  • Click the Digital Signatures tab
  • Select the Zoom Video Communications option from the signature list, then click Details
  • Click View Certificate
  • Click Install Certificate. The Import Wizard will open
  • Under Store Location, choose Local Machine, then click Next
  • On the Certificate Store page, choose Place all certificates in the following store, then click Browse
  • On the Select Certificate Store pop-up, select Trusted Root Certification Authorities, then click OK
  • Click Next, then click Finished.

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