Stergere cheie de activare Office 2013 Data 10/05/2016 Autor Florin Ghe Categorie OS - Windows, Aplicații 3 1114 Configurare noua (How To) SituatieSe doreste stergerea product key-ului pentru Office 2013 Solutie Pasi de urmat Se introduce urmatoarea comanda in command prompt : cd C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice15 Se tasteaza comanda : cscript ospp.vbs /unpkey:value unde value reprezinta product key-ul activ al Office-ului Tip solutiePermanent Voteaza Up Down (18 din 32 persoane apreciaza acest articol) ShareTweetShare Despre Autor Florin Ghe Solutii Asemanatoare Shortcut to open Action Center in Windows 11 0 Shortcut open Action center in Windows 10 3 Shorcut view open apps in Windows 10 1 Non-functional “usb” headphones *in certain ports 3 Adding images with adjustable transparency percentage in MS Office 1 Cum semnezi digital un document PDF folosind un certificat în Adobe Acrobat Reader -1 Leave A Comment? × Cancel Reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. six × = thirty
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