Multifunctionala Konica Minolta bizhub 363

Operaţii utile de scanare în reţea

Înregistrarea destinaţiilor utilizate frecvent
Destinaţiile utilizate frecvent pot fi înregistrate.
Destinaţiile pot fi înregistrate în agenda electronică sau ca destinaţii de grup.

Destinaţii în agenda electronică
Prin înregistrarea unei destinaţii frecvent utilizate în agenda electronică, destinaţia poate fi preluată simplu,
prin apăsarea pe un buton al agendei electronice.
Deschiderea ecranului de înregistrare a destinaţiei

Ecranul de înregistrare a destinaţiei

Înregistrarea unei adrese de e-mail

• Nr.: Cu ajutorul tastaturii numerice, tastaţi numărul de înregistrare.
• Nume: Specificaţi numele adresei de e-mail care se va înregistra.
• Adresă e-mail: Utilizaţi tastatura care apare în ecranul tactil pentru a tasta adresa de e-mail.
• Index: Selectaţi caracterele index utilizate pentru organizarea adreselor de e-mail. Prin selectarea
caracterelor index adecvate pentru numele înregistrat, adresa de e-mail poate fi găsită cu uşurinţă.
• Pictogramă: Când i-Option LK-101 este activat la acest aparat, selectaţi o pictogramă.

Destinaţii de grup
Se pot înregistra mai multe destinaţii, sub forma unui singur grup.
Destinaţiile care pot fi înregistrate ca destinaţie de grup trebuie înregistrate în agenda electronică.
Pentru înregistrarea unei destinaţii de grup, destinaţiile individuale trebuie mai întâi înregistrate în agenda
În ecranul Creare destinaţie One-Touch, atingeţi [Grup].

Înregistrarea destinaţiei de program
Setările de scanare, setările de transmisie şi destinaţia pot fi înregistrate cu un singur buton. Acestea se
numesc destinaţii de program. Destinaţiile de program înregistrate pot fi uşor reapelate şi utilizate.

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How to Send an Email with a Different “From” Address in Outlook

If you have multiple email accounts in Microsoft Outlook, you can change the “From” address in a new email. This is quicker than swapping to a different inbox, and lets you send emails from different addresses, even if they aren’t your own. Here’s how—with some caveats.

Outlook lets you send emails from any account you’ve set up in the email client, but also from any other email address, even if you haven’t set it up. That sounds worrying—and in some circumstances it is—but there are legitimate reasons to use this functionality as well as nefarious ones.

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How to Change Your Default Email App on iPhone and iPad

If you’re using a third-party email client on your iPhone or iPad, you can change the default email app as long as you’re running iOS 14, iPadOS 14, or newer. But unless you’re looking for it, you might miss the setting. Here’s how to change your default email app.

In order to switch your default email app, you must have a third-party email client installed from the App Store on your phone or tablet that has been updated to support the feature. For example, as of this writing, Outlook, Spark, and Hey support it, but the official Gmail app does not.

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How to Block Emails from Specific Senders in Microsoft Outlook with Rules

There are some people you never want to hear from. You can’t stop them from sending you emails, but you can set up Microsoft Outlook to automatically delete the emails as soon as they arrive. Here’s how. Rules are exactly what they sound like—rules for the Outlook client to follow. You can set up a rule that tells Outlook to permanently delete emails from a particular sender as soon as they arrive.

A rule will only apply to the Outlook desktop client, and Sweep only applies to the Outlook web app. If you use both the web app and the desktop client, you’ll need to set up both.

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How to Stop iTunes from Opening Automatically on Windows 10

iTunes Logo on a Blue Background

Have you ever wanted to charge your iPhone or iPad using a cable hooked to your Windows 10 PC, but every time you plug it in, iTunes starts up? It can get annoying pretty quickly. Here’s how to fix it.

The culprit is a small Apple program that runs in the background called “iTunes Helper.” This program gets installed when you install iTunes, and it detects when an Apple device is plugged into a USB port and opens iTunes automatically. To prevent this from happening, we need to disable iTunes Helper. Here’s how.

First, right-click the Windows 10 taskbar at the bottom of the screen, and select “Task Manager” from the menu that pops up.

Right-click on the taskbar and select "Task Manager."

In Task Manager, click “More Details” at the bottom of the window.

In Task Manager, click "More details."

After the Task Manager window expands, click the “Startup” tab.

In Task Manager, click the "Startup" tab.

In the “Startup” tab, locate the entry called “iTunes Helper,” and click it once to select it. Then click the “Disable” button in the lower-right corner of the window.

(You will also see another entry in the list called “iTunes Mobile Device Helper,” but leave it alone. Disabling “iTunes Mobile Device Helper” will prevent iTunes from being able to sync with your Apple mobile devices.)

In Task Manager Startup tab, disable "iTunes Helper."

After that, close Task Manager and either sign out and sign back in, or restart your PC. The next time your plug in your iPhone, iTunes will not appear.

Want to skip the restart or log out? You can also just end the iTunes Helper process. Click over to the “Processes” tab, locate “iTunesHelper” in the list, right-click it, and select “End Task.”

End iTunes Helper task in Task Manager.

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