
E-mail 986 Solutii

The Compliance menu in Microsoft Office 365

1. Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

  • Purpose: Prevent sensitive information (e.g., credit card numbers, Social Security numbers, or other personal data) from being shared accidentally or maliciously.
  • Features:
    • Policies to detect and block sensitive information.
    • Alerts and reports to track potential data breaches.
    • Integration with Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, Exchange, and OneDrive.

2. Information Protection and Governance

  • Purpose: Protect sensitive data and ensure proper retention and deletion of information.
  • Features:
    • Sensitivity Labels: Classify and protect content with labels that control access and permissions.
    • Retention Policies: Set up rules to retain or delete data based on organizational needs or legal obligations.
    • Records Management: Manage document lifecycles, including classifying content as records.

3. Insider Risk Management

  • Purpose: Detect, investigate, and respond to risky user behavior within the organization.
  • Features:
    • Monitor activities like data exfiltration or unusual file sharing.
    • Assess risks based on customizable policies.
    • Provide alerts and automated workflows for investigation.

4. eDiscovery (Electronic Discovery)

  • Purpose: Identify, collect, and export data for legal cases or internal investigations.
  • Features:
    • Content Search: Search for content across mailboxes, Teams, SharePoint, and more.
    • eDiscovery Cases: Manage legal cases and hold specific data for litigation purposes.
    • Audit Logs: Track user activity to verify compliance.

5. Audit and Insights

  • Purpose: Monitor user activity and compliance across the organization.
  • Features:
    • Audit Log Search: Comprehensive logging of activities like file access, email sending, and sharing.
    • Compliance Score: Assess your organization’s compliance posture and receive recommendations for improvement.

6. Communication Compliance

  • Purpose: Monitor and manage communication channels for regulatory compliance and acceptable use.
  • Features:
    • Automatically flag inappropriate or non-compliant communications in Teams, Exchange, etc.
    • Manage workflows for reviewing flagged content.
    • Protect against harassment, sensitive data sharing, or insider trading risks.

7. Advanced Threat Protection (ATP)

  • Purpose: Protect against threats to data security.
  • Features:
    • Safeguard email and collaboration platforms from phishing, malware, or ransomware attacks.
    • Apply adaptive risk-based controls.

8. Data Residency and Sovereignty

  • Purpose: Ensure that data resides within specific geographic boundaries to meet legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Features:
    • Geolocation-based policies.
    • Support for multi-national organizations.

Benefits of the Compliance Menu:

  • Centralized management of compliance tasks.
  • Enhanced security and risk mitigation.
  • Simplified data governance.
  • Assurance of regulatory adherence, such as GDPR, HIPAA, or CCPA compliance.
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Resetare Driver Video/GPU in caz de ramane agatat

Apăsarea combinației Windows Key + Shift + Ctrl + B pe tastatură este un shortcut folosit pentru a reporni driverul grafic în Windows.

Ce face acest shortcut?

Repornește driverul grafic: Această combinație de taste poate fi utilizată dacă întâmpini probleme grafice, cum ar fi tremurături ale ecranului, artefacte vizuale sau alte probleme legate de display pe PC-ul tău. Forțează Windows să reîncarce driverul grafic, ceea ce poate rezolva uneori problemele de afișare fără a fi nevoie să repornești întregul sistem.

Când ai putea să-l folosești?

  • Dacă ecranul se blochează sau începe să tremure.
  • Dacă observi artefacte grafice, cum ar fi imagini distorsionate sau probleme cu redarea video.
  • Dacă o aplicație nu mai redă corect grafica și vrei o soluție rapidă.
  • Poate fi util și dacă folosești mai multe monitoare și unul dintre ele nu mai afișează corect.

Cum funcționează:

Când apeși această combinație de taste, este posibil să auzi un „beep” scurt sau să vezi un mic tremur pe ecran (sistemul resetează temporar driverul grafic). Display-ul se va actualiza, iar problema ar putea fi rezolvată fără a fi nevoie să repornești computerul.

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