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How to turn On Android’s Theft Protection Feature
Theft Protection is a smart security feature that uses artificial intelligence and motion sensors to lock your phone if it thinks someone has taken off with it. Imagine you’re standing in line at a café, your phone in hand, and someone grabs it and runs. Theft Protection detects sudden movement and locks your device automatically. Pretty clever, right?
But it doesn’t stop there. Theft Protection is more than just a lock. It has a suite of additional security tools like Remote Lock and Offline Device Lock to ensure that your phone stays protected, even if it’s disconnected from the internet.
However, it’s important to know a few limitations of the Theft Detection Lock feature:
- The feature won’t be active if your device’s screen is already locked.
- To prevent unnecessary interruptions, Theft Detection Lock may not trigger when your device has a stable Wi-Fi or Bluetooth connection or if it has experienced multiple locks in a short period of time.
How to record your Windows, Mac, Linux, Android or iPhone Screen
Screenshots are great, but sometimes, you need to create a video recording to really get your point across. You can record your computer’s desktop, your smartphone’s screen, or your tablet’s display.
[mai mult...]Rename app folders on iPhone
[mai mult...]Clonezilla, clonarea HDD,SDD si a altor spatii de stocare
În Clonezilla, un “sub” se referă, de obicei, la un set de opțiuni predefinite care pot fi utilizate pentru a automatiza anumite sarcini. De exemplu, poți crea un sub pentru a clona întotdeauna o anumită partiție sau pentru a restaura o imagine într-un anumit director.
[mai mult...]Hiren’s BootCD este un instrument util pentru depanarea și repararea computerelor
Hiren’s BootCD este un instrument util pentru depanarea și repararea computerelor. Îl poți folosi pentru a recupera date, a repara sistemul de operare sau pentru a testa hardware-ul.
Ce ai nevoie minim:
- Un stick USB cu o capacitate minimă de 4GB
- Imaginea ISO a Hiren’s BootCD (o poți descărca de pe site-ul oficial sau de pe alte surse de încredere)
- Un program pentru a crea stick-uri bootabile (ex: Rufus, Etcher, Win32 Disk Imager).