
E-mail 984 Solutii

Cum se instaleaza aplicatia Claws Mail in Ubuntu 20.04

Claws Mail este un client de mail gratuit si open source bazat pe GTK+ pentru Linux. Este o aplicatie simpla si rapida, compatibila cu majoritatea sistemelor de operare precum Linux, BSD, Windows, macOS etc.
Se pot adauga cateva functii suplimentare precum agregator RSS si diverse pluginuri prin care se extind functionalitatile aplicatiei. Suporta SSL pentru protocoalele POP3, SMTP, IMAP4rev1 si NNTP. Se pot configura mai multe conturi in Claws Mail.

Alte caracteristici importante sunt agenda (adress book), verificarea automata a mailurilor, etichetele color si posibilitatea de a adauga un plugin cu functia de antivirus.

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5 Ways to Underline in Microsoft Word

Underlining seems like a simple enough task in Microsoft Word, but many times there’s more involved. You can underline words, spaces, words with spaces, and words without spaces. We’ll show you several ways to use underline in Word.

Many people reserve underlining for web links while others find it a good way to emphasize text in a document. Along with the options for underlining words and spaces, you can format it as a double, bold, or dotted line and remove an underline you’ve added.

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