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How to Use vCalendar Files in Outlook

Microsoft Outlook uses vCalendar files to exchange information about meetings and appointments with others in your home or organization. With vCalendar files, you can easily schedule appointments with others even if they’re not using Outlook as their primary calendar.

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How to Drive With Santa and Enable a Christmas Theme in Waze

If you find yourself navigating with your phone this Holiday season, why not jazz it up with a little Christmas spirit and drive with Santa? The Waze app has a number of Santa-themed options that are available for a limited time.

If you’re unfamiliar with Waze, think of it as Google Maps with community input and rewards. People can report traffic incidents to alert other drivers, and other fun things can be unlocked. The “Drive with Santa” features are just a small taste.

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Cum sa deschidem un alt document in Microsoft Word

Sa presupunem faptul ca am dori sa copiem anumite informatii dintr-un document, in documentul nostru pe care il editam in acest moment. Putem accesa acel document in doua moduri: fie ne ducem in calea unde este salvat si il deschidem de acolo, fie il deschidem direct din Microsoft Word.

Va voi exemplifica cel de-al doilea mod.

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