Decodare radio Dacia
Din diferite motive (scoaterea bateriei de pe masina) radio-ul din masina ne cere codul de siguranta.
[mai mult...]Soluții pentru problemele tale IT
Din diferite motive (scoaterea bateriei de pe masina) radio-ul din masina ne cere codul de siguranta.
[mai mult...]Sa presupunem faptul ca am dori sa copiem anumite informatii dintr-un document, in documentul nostru pe care il editam in acest moment. Putem accesa acel document in doua moduri: fie ne ducem in calea unde este salvat si il deschidem de acolo, fie il deschidem direct din Microsoft Word.
Va voi exemplifica cel de-al doilea mod.
[mai mult...]Formatul de fisier XLSX a fost introdus in versiunea 2007 si foloseste standardul OpenXML adaptat de Microsoft in anii 2000. Inaintea lui XLSX, cel mai comun format folosit era XLS – format de fisier binar. Noul format vine cu un avantaj de a avea dimensiunea fisierelor mai mica.
Sa presupunem ca dorim sa trimitem unei anumite persoane un fisier si acea persoana are, de ex. Excel 2003. Daca ii trimitem fisierul in format xlsx, acea persoana nu il va putea deschide. Din fericire Excel-ul are o solutie si pentru aceasta problema.
[mai mult...]Printarea unui document creat de catre noi este foarte simpla in Microsoft Word, dupa cum va voi demonstra mai jos.Folosim versiunea 2010, dar pasii de mai jos se pot replica si pe alte versiuni.
[mai mult...]If you need stock market data for your spreadsheet, you can save time and get up-to-date information with the built-in Stocks data type in Microsoft Excel. Here’s how to populate your sheet with details like ticker symbols, market caps, previous close, and more.
To use the Stocks data type in Microsoft Excel, you only need an internet connection and a bit of your own data to start. Open your spreadsheet and type a piece of information, like a company name or stock symbol. With the cell still selected, open the “Data” tab, and then click “Stocks” in the “Data Types” section of the ribbon.
After a few seconds (depending on your internet connection), you might see the “Data Selector” sidebar open on the right. This happens when your item can’t be found or more than one stock with that name is available. Click “Select” under any of the available options in the sidebar.
If you click away from the cell that contains your initial data, just select it again, and then click the small Insert Data icon that appears next to it. A long, scrollable list containing all the stock market details you could possibly need will appear.
Choose the information you want to include and it will pop into the cell at the right. You can continue adding details for the stock in this same way. Any additional details you choose will populate in the subsequent cells to the right. You can also add column headers to identify the data you include. At any time, though, you can just click the cell containing an item to see what it is in the Formula Bar.
The scrollable list of details for a stock is helpful, but you can also view this same data in a card format. Just right-click the cell containing the company or stock you first typed, and then select “Show Data Type Card” from the menu that appears.
You can then see those same details in an easy-to-read snapshot. You can also drag the bottom-right corner to enlarge the card if necessary. To add move information from the card to your sheet, just hover your cursor over that piece of data, and then click the Extract to Grid icon.
Like the Geography data type in Microsoft Excel, the Stocks data type retrieves information from an online source. This means you can update it without opening a web browser. To do so, just right-click the cell that contains the company name or stock symbol, and then select Data Type > Refresh from the menu that appears.
If you don’t see the Stocks data type in Microsoft Excel, make sure your system meets the following requirements:
Daca stergeti accidental un element din cutia postala Outlook, îl puteti recupera fara probleme. Primul loc unde cautam de obicei in astfel de situatii, este Deleted Items sau Trash Folders. Insa ce facem daca le-am sters si din acesta sau daca au fost sterse definitiv?
[mai mult...]