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Cum se instaleaza Microsoft Edge Dev pe Ubuntu

Noul browser de la Microsoft, Edge Chromium este disponibil si pe Linux. Desi nu a ajuns la o disponibilitate generala, se poate instala varianta Edge de pe „Dev Channel”, oferind utilizatorilor de Linux o noua optiune de navigare pe internet. Microsoft ofera in prezent browser-ul Edge pentru urmatoarele distributii de Linux: Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora si OpenSUSE. Site-ul Microsoft Edge Insider contine linkuri de descarcare actualizate pentru pachetele .deb si .rpm predefinite.

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How to Easily Install Apps With Windows 10’s Package Manager (Using winstall)

The winstall.apps website in Microsoft Edge on a Windows 10 desktop

Microsoft has a new Windows Package Manager that lets you install applications from the command line. Mehedi Hassan’s winstall provides an easy web app you can use to quickly and easily install your favorite Windows applications in a few clicks.

How This Works: winstall and winget Explained

Microsoft’s Windows Package Manager, also named “winget,” lets you quickly download and install one or more applications with a single command. It’s a lot like a Linux package manager. As of early November 2020, the Windows Package Manager is still in preview form and is not yet included in Windows 10. However, it will one day be stable and built into Windows 10.

That’s great news, but most people don’t want to use the command line, preferring to install their apps using a graphical interface. That’s what winstall, a third-party application, does. Created by Mehedi Hassan, winstall is a web-based interface that lets you choose your favorite applications in a browser. The website then gives you the command that will automatically install your selected apps with winget. You don’t need to know how winget works or write the command yourself.

It’s a lot like Ninite, but it uses the Windows Package Manager.

Here’s one reason winstall is great: You don’t have to install any extra software. It’s a website that generates a command that works with the Windows Package Manager. You can see exactly what it’s doing on your computer. In the future, there will likely be other graphical interfaces for the Windows Package Manager. winstall is just the first popular one.

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How to Turn On HTTPS-Only Mode in Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla Firefox’s HTTPS-Only Mode provides extra privacy and security online. With it enabled, Firefox will try hard to only load encrypted HTTPS websites. If only HTTP is available, Firefox won’t load the unencrypted website without asking you.

The secure protocol HTTPS is the bedrock method of maintaining privacy and security on the web. It sets up an encrypted connection between your browser and the web server that prevents third parties from eavesdropping on or tampering with the data being sent between you and the site you’re browsing. Unfortunately, not all sites support HTTPS, and some that do may fall back to non-encrypted HTTP versions of a site if you visit them through an HTTP link (such as http://www.example.com instead of https://www.example.com—notice the missing “s” in the address).

Starting in Mozilla Firefox version 83, which was released on November 16, 2020, you can turn on HTTPS-Only Mode. Firefox will automatically attempt to load the HTTPS version of a website even if you visit the site through a link to an unencrypted HTTP address. If one isn’t available, you’ll have to provide explicit permission before Firefox will load an HTTP page. Here’s how to enable this option.

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