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How to Clear Your Browsing History on Chrome for Android

It’s no mystery that web browsers track a lot of our internet usage habits. This “history” can also be easily accessed by anyone who checks your device. If you use Google Chrome on Android, we’ll show you how to clear it. Your browsing history is a running list of all the websites you’ve visited. It’s useful when you want to go back to a page you’ve visited before, or if you can’t remember where you saw or read something. However, sometimes, you might not want others to have access to this history. Let’s clear it!

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Cum sa stergem rapid cuvinte/fraze in Microsoft Word

Putem sterge cuvinte sau fraze intregi tinand apasat pe tasta Backspace pana cand se vor sterge litera de litera. Dar exista o metoda mai rapida si anume: pozitionam cursorul dupa cuvantul pe care vrem sa il stergem si apasand combinatia de taste Ctrl+Backspace o sa observam ca el a fost sters f. rapid. Atunci cand vrem sa stergem mai multe cuvinte, repetam combinatia de mai sus pana finalizam. Daca vrem sa stergem o fraza intreaga ne pozitionam la sfarsitul ei si apasam Ctrl+Backspace pana cand toate cuvintele s-au sters.

P.S. Combinatia de taste Ctrl+Backspace ne va sterge si semnele de punctuatie.

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How to Export Your Google Photos Library

Google Photos App Store listing on Apple iPhone

Google Photos keeps your pictures and videos backed up online. But to save your moments in case of an accident or to free up cloud space, you should still periodically back up your Google Photos library locally. Here’s how to do that with Google’s export tool, Takeout.

Visit the Google Takeout website and sign in to your Google account. Click the “Deselect All” button to export only your media from Google Photos and exclude your information from the rest of the Google services.

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How to Launch Chrome with a Keyboard Shortcut in Windows 10

Windows 10 is packed full of keyboard shortcuts, but you can also create your own keyboard shortcuts to launch the applications they are assigned to. Here’s how to create one for launching Google Chrome on Windows 10.

You’ll need Google Chrome installed on your PC to do this. You’ll also need to create a desktop shortcut for Chrome if you don’t already have one. To do this, open the “Start” menu by clicking the “Start” button in the bottom-left corner of your desktop.

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