Being unable to log into the outlook application.I ran into this problem a while ago and wondered what to do about it. I managed to find a 100% working fix that is fast and easy to apply.
Mereu este bine sa aveti o copie de siguranta a e-mailurilor dumneavoastra. Iata cum puteti face backup la e-mailuri in Microsoft Outlook:
Selectati ,,File’’ si de aici optiunea Import/Export din Open & Export
Faceti click pe “Export To A File” si mai departe dati click pe next.
Din fereastra urmatoare selectati “Outlook Data File” si dati next pentru a continua.
Puteti selecta un folder individual sau daca doriti sa faceti o copie de rezerva a tuturor emailurilor dumneavoastra, faceti click pe numele casutei de email si asigurati-va ca aveti bifat “Include Subfolders”.
In mod implicit fisierul dumneavoastra va fi numit “backup.pst” si va fi salvat in folderul Microsoft Outlook din Windows. Cand ati terminat dati click pe Finish. Procesul poate dura de la cateva minute la cateva ore in functie de volumul de emailuri.
If you receive too many spam emails from a specific email address, check the steps below to see how you can block an email address from sending you emails.
Using the Shortcuts app (included on every iPhone running iOS 13 or higher) you can trigger an action at sunrise or sunset. This can come in handy for setting alarms, playing music, and other tasks. Here’s how to set it up.