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How to Install and Set Up Microsoft Teams for Mac

The Microsoft Teams app combines text, voice, and video chat with other collaboration features such as calendars and file sharing. You can sign up for it standalone, or use it as part of the larger Office 365 suite of applications. As a Microsoft product, you may wonder whether you can use it on a Mac. You can. Here’s how to install and set up Microsoft Teams for Mac.

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How to Enable and Customize Subtitles on Disney+

How to Customize Subtitles on Disney+

It’s possible to customize the subtitles shown on Disney+ videos, allowing you to change the font, color, and overall design of the closed captions. This is only possible if you’re playing Disney+ content in your web browser, however. At the time of writing, you can’t customize the subtitles shown in the Disney+ mobile app, or in the Disney+ app on other platforms.

To do this, begin playing a movie or TV show on the Disney+ website. During playback, hover over the video content with your mouse to display the playback controls and then select the “Language Controls” icon in the top-right corner (shaped like a keyboard).

To access Disney+ subtitles, press the language settings icon (shaped like a keyboard) in the top-right corner of the playback window.

This will bring up the audio and subtitles options. To customize your subtitles, click the “Settings Gear” icon on the right-hand side.

Press the settings cog icon in the audio and subtitles menu to customize your Disney+ subtitles.

This will bring up the “Subtitle Styling” menu. From here, you can select a new font from the “Font” drop-down menu.

Any changes you make can be previewed at the top of the menu.

Select a font for your Disney+ subtitles from the "Font" drop-down menu.

You can also set font color, sizing, and opacity settings from the options provided.

Choose your font color, opacity, and sizing from the available options.

Further changes, including the ability to set a font border, background color and opacity, and window color and opacity are also available.

Change these settings to suit your own tastes and requirements.

Select font edging, background and window color, and background and window opacity values from the options provided.

If you want to reset your subtitles to the default Disney+ style, click the “Reset To Default” button at the bottom of the menu.

To reset your Disney Plus subtitle settings, scroll to the bottom of the "Subtitle Styling" menu and click the "Reset To Default" button.

Any changes you make to your subtitles will be applied automatically.

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How to Stop iTunes from Opening Automatically on Windows 10

iTunes Logo on a Blue Background

Have you ever wanted to charge your iPhone or iPad using a cable hooked to your Windows 10 PC, but every time you plug it in, iTunes starts up? It can get annoying pretty quickly. Here’s how to fix it.

The culprit is a small Apple program that runs in the background called “iTunes Helper.” This program gets installed when you install iTunes, and it detects when an Apple device is plugged into a USB port and opens iTunes automatically. To prevent this from happening, we need to disable iTunes Helper. Here’s how.

First, right-click the Windows 10 taskbar at the bottom of the screen, and select “Task Manager” from the menu that pops up.

Right-click on the taskbar and select "Task Manager."

In Task Manager, click “More Details” at the bottom of the window.

In Task Manager, click "More details."

After the Task Manager window expands, click the “Startup” tab.

In Task Manager, click the "Startup" tab.

In the “Startup” tab, locate the entry called “iTunes Helper,” and click it once to select it. Then click the “Disable” button in the lower-right corner of the window.

(You will also see another entry in the list called “iTunes Mobile Device Helper,” but leave it alone. Disabling “iTunes Mobile Device Helper” will prevent iTunes from being able to sync with your Apple mobile devices.)

In Task Manager Startup tab, disable "iTunes Helper."

After that, close Task Manager and either sign out and sign back in, or restart your PC. The next time your plug in your iPhone, iTunes will not appear.

Want to skip the restart or log out? You can also just end the iTunes Helper process. Click over to the “Processes” tab, locate “iTunesHelper” in the list, right-click it, and select “End Task.”

End iTunes Helper task in Task Manager.

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Cum se dezinstaleaza aplicatia Wordpad pe Windows10

WordPad este o aplicatie de procesare de text care a existat de mult timp in diverse versiuni de Windows ce a fost proiectata pentru a oferi utilizatorilor functionalitati de baza pentru a edita sau a scrie documente text in cazul in care pachetul Office nu este disponibil pe dispozitivul utilizatorului.
Aceasta este, desigur, mai simplista decat aplicatia Word, aflata in pachetul Microsoft Office dar va permite totusi sa efectuati o serie de sarcini:
-Creati, deschideti si salvati documente
-Formatarea documentelor – schimbarea dimensiunii textului si stilul tiparirii, aspectul unei pagini
-Inserarea datelor, imaginilor si a hyperlink-urilor
-Vizualizarea un fisierelor de tip document
-Modificarea marginilor paginilor
-Tiparirea documentelor.
Microsoft a facut aceasta aplicatie optionala, pe care o puteti dezinstala sau reinstala folosind aplicatia Settings.

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