
E-mail 986 Solutii

Cum se dezinstaleaza aplicatia Wordpad pe Windows10

WordPad este o aplicatie de procesare de text care a existat de mult timp in diverse versiuni de Windows ce a fost proiectata pentru a oferi utilizatorilor functionalitati de baza pentru a edita sau a scrie documente text in cazul in care pachetul Office nu este disponibil pe dispozitivul utilizatorului.
Aceasta este, desigur, mai simplista decat aplicatia Word, aflata in pachetul Microsoft Office dar va permite totusi sa efectuati o serie de sarcini:
-Creati, deschideti si salvati documente
-Formatarea documentelor – schimbarea dimensiunii textului si stilul tiparirii, aspectul unei pagini
-Inserarea datelor, imaginilor si a hyperlink-urilor
-Vizualizarea un fisierelor de tip document
-Modificarea marginilor paginilor
-Tiparirea documentelor.
Microsoft a facut aceasta aplicatie optionala, pe care o puteti dezinstala sau reinstala folosind aplicatia Settings.

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How to Create and Use an Email Template in Microsoft Outlook

Email templates in Microsoft Outlook are easy to create, but not so easy to navigate to whenever you actually want to use one. Fortunately, you can create a template and pin it to the ribbon for easier access. Templates are really useful for repetitive emails that use boilerplate text. In Outlook, it’s easy to create and save a template. Opening one, however, requires a ton of menu clicks. It’s easier to just save the email in your “Drafts” folder, and then copy and paste the contents into a new email.

That works, but you can make life much easier if you add the template selector to the ribbon. This reduces the number of mouse clicks and allows you to use templates as they were intended. A library of useful prewritten emails you can select from a menu will save you lots of time. To get started, we’ll show you how to create an email template, and then how to add a template selector to the ribbon.

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